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Transferring my home number to Voda. Why not working?

4: Newbie

Hi all.

Transferring from TalkTalk to Vodaphone for Broadband and Line Rental. Went through the process on the Voda website, where it asked if I wished to take my existing landline number with me. "Yes, please..."

Entered my number, address, all my details, and it returned 'Cannot port this number. Could be because it isn't associated with this address (it certainly is) or because you have moved to a different area code (I haven't moved)'.

Phoned up Voda, and fellow there says 'it should be doable, but sometimes doesn't happen, and it's because TalkTalk haven't given permission. Call them up to release the number'. (I paraphrase)

So I called up TT. Lady there consulted with her supervisor, and then others, and came back with 'Voda needs to contact us to sort this and request the transfer...'

'How do they contact you?', I asked.  'Companies usually phone each other', she replied.

Both Voda and TT use BT Openreach - this should be a breeze to sort.  


So my Qs are - who should be sorting this out - TT or Voda - and what do I need to do or who do I chase up?


Many thanks 🙂


Yes - received the message about incorrect address or moving but I had been with talktalk since forever and had not moved house or changed phone number for over 40 years.

I had to complete online form requesting a new landline number. I spoke with adviser before doing that and he told me that vf should be able to keep my number upon switching (I now have my doubts 😁)

Exact same as me, then, ukmark. Same assurance given.


I'm actually hopeful that it'll all be ok. I mean, there is no reason that I am aware of why this SHOULDN'T happen, and Voda have assured me it WILL. Also, TT have confirmed the transfer includes the phone number.


It would be astonishing if this went pear-shaped!


Perhaps worth trying contacting TT as well, just to check that - as far as THEY are concerned - your number SHOULD transfer? I did mine via the community forum, and a TT advisor - Arne - came on to confirm the above.

I ended up staying with TalkTalk. Voda could not guarantee keeping my landline. Apparently, they can have problems porting 'old' BT numbers - ours is about 50 years old. They said it was 50/50 to keep the number when switching.

I called TT and they cut my monthly bill from £31.95 to £21 for next 24 months (unlimited fibre 35 + anytime calls) so I can't complain.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@ukmark wrote:

I called TT and they cut my monthly bill from £31.95 to £21 for next 24 months (unlimited fibre 35 + anytime calls) so I can't complain.

Good result. Personally I think it best to stick "with the devil you know" as there are so many problems that can crop up when transferring.

Well, hats off to Voda.

Woke up this morn' - transfer day - with no interweb (as expected), so swapped my TT router for the new Voda one. Half an hour later, and a solid broadband connection came on. Download is a few Mbps more than before - roughly 34 compared to 31.

And, my landland has the same number - phew!

That's how it should be, so why Voda has to put us through such unnecessary worry is anyone's guess.

That's a very good deal, ukmark, and TT have been pretty good at doing similar (tho' not that good!) for me in the past, but I just got fed up going through this, so fancied a change. I also do very few outgoing landland phone calls, so realised I was paying out the best part of £10pm for next to now't. So, provided Voda's service remains solid, I'm happy with the swap.

Cheers, all 🙂

Good to hear it worked out for you.  I think part of the reason I got around £11 per month knocked off is  because I've been with TT for over 10 years.

I'm not loyal to TT and if Vodafone could have guaranteed my landline phone number being kept, I would have switched to them.


In 2 years, we'll be doing it all over again!

Ha-ha - I'd been with TT - at the time Tiscali - for over 20!

I do tend to have 'brand loyalty' for many things, but there has to be a reason it. I got fed up having to negotiate new terms at each renewal, but I suspect the same will apply with Voda. Hey-ho.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Shooby - thanks for updating the thread and I'm glad to hear you're now connected with the same landline number 😊

Lol! Spoke too soon...

No idea what happened a few days ago when I swapped routers - I could very well have still been with TalkTalk. Received a text from Voda a couple of days ago to apologise for not getting my BB running - and the BB did go dead for a good while. Then, again a couple of days ago, my landline number changed...


Anyhoo, just had a 'chat' with Voda, and the person there assures me I'll get my old number back.


It's almost funny.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Don't hold your breath.

But do let us know what happens.