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Coverage map shows 5G signal but doesn't work and its misleading

4: Newbie

2 months ago I've noticed there's 5G coverage available over a location I visit frequently on the coverage map. But every time I visit the location there's no 5G.


Talked with Vodafone twitter team, they say that masts being under maintenance etc typical responses. It's been 2 months and I've just come to the conclusion that perhaps the coverage map is wrong? Not minor incorrect data but the entire map around 1 mile radius is wrong? (see screenshot below)


The address for this location is around 69 Queensland Ave, N18 1AT, near the A10. It shows a solid red block with strong 5G signal indoors and outdoors and since it's an open land there's no walls or buildings blocking the signal. I've got the Samsung Note10+ 5G, I've tested 5G in Central London without issues but with this specific area I've never got 5G signal. 


You can also see streaks of weak 5G signal in the surrounding area as well but no matter where I go (circled the map in the screenshot below) there's no trace of 5G signal, isn't this just misleading? 


My phone shows 2 types of 5G icon. A transparent 5G icon means it's connected to 4G but there's 5G available signal nearby but due to the distance or direction of the mast I'm unable to the 5G signal. The other icon is solid white 5G icon, this means I'm truly connected to 5G. When I'm at this location I get neither the transparent or solid white 5G icons, all I get is 4G. The 5G coverage map in this area is significantly wrong and misleading, I'm aware these maps are made by computer generated predictions but these predictions are no where near true. 



Screenshot_20201119-142240_Call settings.png




So you think this could be a scam?



Yeah same here, says good 5g and 4g indoors and outdoors but been getting weak signals, like 4g 1 or 2 bars and even EDGE at times, I’m finding that the places with limited coverage tend to have the most coverage here which seems odd, most i got in my area was 5g 1 or 2 bars but that was standing outside 

Hi @marziies Thank you for sharing this with us. If you're facing trouble with your network, and no known issues are posted on our Network Status Checker, please message our Social Media Team here. We'll look into this with you. 

So what has been the outcome of previous investigation of issues like this you have come across?

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Same issue down here in Datchet near Windsor UK, something dodgy going on with Vodafone, they claim wonderful 5G coverage and it turns out you have crap signal barely 4G. 


Doing some tests with them but it looks like this false advertising could be signing up new customers based on seeing a great 5G signal on their coverage checker. May end up going to the regulator about this as this looks suspicious.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Datchet2024, From the image you've provided, it looks like you've zoomed out on the map a little. When you do this it can distort the areas that do and don't offer a service, I would suggest zooming in a little, or resetting the scale to gain a more accurate picture. I've taken a closer look into the service offered in the Datchet area and I can see we do offer a 5G some areas of the town. So we can take a closer look into the issues you're experiencing, pop us a private message via one of our social media channels with your full postcode and we'll be more than happy to investigate this for you.

I am doing some testing for Vodafone right now but initially looking at other users issues it does look like Vodafone keep saying the same story that masts are under maintenance, l do hope this does not turn out to be a UK wide scandal. I zoomed in for 5G service and it looks like strong 5G here. DatchetVodafone15042024C.jpg

Community Manager
Community Manager

It sounds like you're already in touch with us @Datchet2024, if you don't get a resolution via you current platform. Pop us a message via the link in my previous message and one of our dedicated team will investigate this for you,

Ok Update, vodafone have said they are in deadlock with me and are happy for me to proceed to the regulator regarding this scam.

Haha surprise surprise vodafail lying 🤥 again about coverage. Currently using a ee sim where vodafone says I should be getting good 5g indoors/out but barely get 1bar 4g on vodafone when will this false advertising stop!