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Domain blocked by Vodafone Secure Net

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi Everyone,

the users of our web services that use Vodafone Secure Net in Italy are blocked when they try to reach the sites of our domain.

The domain is and has a valid SSL wildcard certificate isseued by Thawte/DigiCert Inc.

The problem is also on all  subdomain (like

I ask if is possible to remove our domain and subdomains from the  Vodafone Secure Net blacklist, and I'd like also to know the reason the domain was blacklisted and the report source from it came from in order to proceed with other balcklist cancelations for other network providers.

Thanks for your attention.





Thank you for sharing this with us @gekosoftware, it's great to hear this outcome. If you have any further questions, do let us know. 

hi @Lucy_F I'm waiting an answer from @Jason that he's comunicating with Vodafone Italia. May you make me konw about that?

Thank you for your patience @gekosoftware. I've forwarded over the required information to our Network team to confer with a network contact in Italy. Once we have an update, we'll let you know as soon as possible. 

Just an update @gekosoftware. Our Network team have sent a request to have both URL's reclassified in Italy. We'll let you know if/when we hear anything from them. 

Thank you for your continued patience @gekosoftware. Our Network team have received confirmation from our contact in Italy advising that the URLs in question have been reclassified and are not being blocked in Italy. 

Thank you so much @Jason !!! I really appreciate what you have done for my company!!

Anyway it still remain incredible for me that I had to talk with you of Vodafone UK  in a forum to solve a problem with Vodafone Italy for lacks of contacts. I think that could be necessary for all telphone and mobile  operators to give an offical support for this kind of problem that are out from the stricly normal customers problems managment.
Thank you again so much!

@gekosoftware - thanks for your feedback. I'm glad we've got it resolved for you. All the best 😊