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Poor signal since 3g switch off

10: Established
10: Established

Any one else got poor service/signal since 3g switch off? Think vodafone 3g switch off is a step backwards. My s22 ultra is always warm from always searching for signal since 3g switch off! Before I could get a steady 8mbps now I'm either getting nothing or  rarely 150mbps when 5g appears I've got to put my phone on silent at night to stop all the no service notifications 😑 poor show vodafone I'd rather have a reliable signal than this occasionally 1bar 4g or 1bar 5g


2: Seeker
2: Seeker

In my area (Sandhurst, Berks) for two of our masts, Vodafone achieved 3g switch-off by turning the masts off completely. Using the Cellmapper app (Android), I can see the masts were previously were 2g, 3g and 4g. Now there is no signal from them in any direction. For months now, Vodafone "Check my Service" has reported "Current network issue" for this area. I imagine that it was necessary to kill the whole mast to achieve a rapid and timely 3g switch-off and that 2g and 4g will be restored when they add 5g to the masts. But Vodafone don't seem to realise that our two remaining masts are the other side of an opaque railway embankment!

@Dorcots wrote:

I imagine that it was necessary to kill the whole mast to achieve a rapid and timely 3g switch-off and that 2g and 4g will be restored when they add 5g to the masts

Not really - RATs are deployed across numerous frequency bands, it is they which dictate the individual site config, not the "4G" or "5G" bit.

At most, all the techs using a particular band may need locking collectively - but even this would be most unusual. There will be something else happening in this case.

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Ah OK.. That's really interesting. I'll grab a copy of Cellmapper and have a play around 👍

It's abundantly clear that the 3G shutdown has adversely affected coverage.. The open question is how fast will Vodafone, and the other networks, crack on and start restoring coverage by re-using the old 3G frequencies?  Vodafone mods, are you able to share anything about your plans to restore coverage to previous levels? Your plans for rolling out 5G ultra in particular?

Incidentally, this is something my Telecoms guy sent me to give a bit more insight into 5G Ultra:

"Firstly, currently, 5G is dependent on 4G for coverage - 'non standalone'. This is what all networks are currently using. Your phone needs to lock onto 4G first, before being passed to 5G. This means that 5G networks aren't currently yet providing any coverage gains, just more capacity in high density areas.

Vodafone's 3G was sat in a low band, 900mhz. This is good for coverage.

Vodafone is working on standalone 5G (they're calling it 'Ultra 5G') but this is basically still in beta and only some users are testing it. Standalone 5G will be able to use those low bands for coverage, without being dependent on 4G.

So the sequence of events is - first, the 3G needs clearing out. THEN, the 5G ultra service can move into that space, filling the coverage hole.

Ideally, these should happen at the same time, but they haven't, because running a standalone 5G network is hard (there's only a handful of these active globally still).

Has the shutdown of 3G netted any coverage and performance benefits? Not really yet. Will it at some point? Absolutely yes. They're not lying to say that removing 3G will improve 5G services, they are just not getting it done as soon as we'd all hope."

5g ultra is available in my area but is same coverage as normal 5g and no plans to improve it in the future. If vodafone put out some marketing statements saying the coverage would improve they might of kept me as customer but the silence is deafening 

You don't need to install Cellmapper (unless you wish to register and contribute to its database), just go to Be aware that the default setting needs changing. From Menu > 'A' Provider, select the Provider (UK > Vodafone) and the Network (4g or whatever). It gives both the original community readings (mainly along roads) and mast locations. If the mast icon has green in it, it has been confirmed by a community member. If it is red, it is only calculated and may be inaccurate. Don't rely on 5g mast data - there is more community work to do.

I didn't use cellmapper - just looked at Vodafone's own network status checker Network Status checker | Check your signal | Vodafone


@spen68 wrote:

So the sequence of events is - first, the 3G needs clearing out. THEN, the 5G ultra service can move into that space, filling the coverage hole.

While true, NR-NSA is not reliant on 3G switchoff. The two are separate concepts, albeit individual MNOs may run them in parallel.

The statement of "removing 3G will improve 5G services" is also marketing-spin. 3G tech is outdated, and has been superceded. The spectrum used for 3G services is better used on newer RATs - be that 4G or 5G.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I have a 4G Mobile Hotspot, which is used to provide internet to our household. We live in a rural area with poor broadband connectivity, hence 4G was a better option for us. For over 12 months, the 4G has worked fine and in recent weeks/months it has become un-useable. It must be because of the 3G switch off. The coverage map now shows I get "limited" 4G connectivity (1 bar or less - this was not the case when I got the mobile 4g device). I was signed up to a 24 month contract with 7 months left to run. I have wasted hours of my life on either the online 'bot', or talking to call centres - each time abroad, with a language barrier and being sent around in circles. My local Vodafone shop was more helpful and advised that I try to cancel the contract. So I called 191, said I wanted to cancel the contract, I  was immediately put through to a UK based call centre. I explained the problem and said that I had purchased a product which, through no fault of my own, was now not fit for purpose. The lady I spoke to was really helpful and understanding. She had to go through some internal procedures to get firstly, a technical specialist to agree that I had no/limited connectivity, and then a manger to sign it off. However, the upshot is that my contract was cancelled with immediate effect, all within a 40 minute call and without having to argue my case. I still have no internet/4G and we are looking into other options, but at least I'm no longer paying for something which I don't receive. Best of luck to you. It is an incredibly frustrating experience.

LadyKathryn: You may have the same issue as I had. After 3g shut-down, I found that my phone was picking up 2g (no data to speak of) instead of 4g (weak but usable). The phone setting "Mobile networks" > "Network mode" did not allow me to select 4g only (aka LTE). I resolved it (on Android) with an app called ForceLTE. As far as I can determine, there is no such setting or app for iOS. In any case Apple do not provide connection data to third parties apps.

1: Seeker

I have the same problem. I just don't get signal anywhere since they stopped 3g. After trying everything I've decided to leave Vodafone, I wouldn't be surprised if others do given the poor network..... frustrated!