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Comments falsely rejected due to alleged "HTML" content

4: Newbie

From time to time I prepare to make a comment in a discussion (or generate a new conversation). I press Reply (or Start a conversation) and then enter whatever comment/text I want to enter. In general it works fine without any problem. However as a user of many other online community/forums I find this Community has some of the most strange ways of operating. In this instance, when either trying to generate a new post or replying to an existing one, it sometimes responds with a most bizarre blocking feature that I have ever come across on any similar site. After entering my text and pressing either PREVIEW or Post, from time to time it says something like (I can't remember the precise wording):
Your post is being rejected because it contains HTML which is not permitted and the forbidden text is highlighted. Please correct before it can be posted
However there is no HTML shown in the text and nothing whatever has been highlighted. This appears to be a fault in the system. but whatever I do, it goes on rejecting my post time and again. I am therefore forced to abandon my proposed text and go on and do something else
This appears to be a serious fault with the system giving me a fake blocking - has anyone experienced this and know what the heck is causing this problem when there is no HTML displayed in my text?


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

That only occurs (for me) when copy and posting from another webpage, You can't see the extra HTML, but it is there.

However it shouldn't be a problem, because it automatically removes it so you can just continue with whatever you were doing with the reply.

@Jayach wrote:

That only occurs (for me) when copy and posting from another webpage, You can't see the extra HTML, but it is there.

However it shouldn't be a problem, because it automatically removes it so you can just continue with whatever you were doing with the reply. it automatically removes it 

Yes, I think you are right to an extent. However, it also occurs when I copy only text which is totally devoid of any HTML. For example I have on a number of occasions copied just text from someone's comment elsewhere. When I try to post it I get the usual fake:
you must remove the HTML
when there is actually not a scrap of HTML there. I think you are mistaken in saying it automatically removes it. In my case of pasting text totally devoid of HTML there is nothing whatever to remove. Yet it continues to prevent me continuing my post no mater how many times I try. It just repeatedly gives me the fake "you must remove the HTML" message. Ultimately I am forced to cancel my post altogether and waste a large amount of time starting all over again.

To me it's an example of poor website design pretending there is HTML in my post when there isn't any.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I doubt there is any "pretending" going on. If you copy from any webpage, there is the possibility of getting some formatting from that webpage, even if you can't see it.

When posting (assuming you are using a PC) hold down the ctrl key and it will post the raw data. without any formatting.

And I am not mistaken when I say it will automatically remove it, but you do have to take the correct option.

So if you get something like this:


Just hit reply, the invalid HTML has already been removed.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Oh, and, I am rarely mistaken, but I'm big enough to admit it if I am, unlike some people.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Jayach wrote:
When posting (assuming you are using a PC) hold down the ctrl key and it will post the raw data. without any formatting.

Just to prove I'm happy to admit my mistakes, that is wrong.

If using a mouse, choose Paste as plain text 


or if using the keyboard it's Ctrl+Shift+V, instead of Ctrl+V

@Jayach wrote:

I doubt there is any "pretending" going on. If you copy from any webpage, there is the possibility of getting some formatting from that webpage, even if you can't see it.

When posting (assuming you are using a PC) hold down the ctrl key and it will post the raw data. without any formatting.

And I am not mistaken when I say it will automatically remove it, but you do have to take the correct option.

So if you get something like this:


Just hit reply, the invalid HTML has already been removed.

Yes, I use a PC when interacting on this forum. When you say " hold down the ctrl key and it will post the raw data. without any formatting." do you mean pressing the ctrl key and holding it down while I press Reply (as you didn't mention ctrl key before as a solution)? Where is that feature documented on this  website to tell me that pressing ctrl key is necessary. as I can't find it mentioned? Next time I'm confronted by the HTML blocking monster I'll try your solution.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@ojos wrote:
Yes, I use a PC when interacting on this forum. When you say " hold down the ctrl key and it will post the raw data. without any formatting." do you mean pressing the ctrl key and holding it down while I press Reply (as you didn't mention ctrl key before as a solution)? Where is that feature documented on this  website to tell me that pressing ctrl key is necessary. as I can't find it mentioned? Next time I'm confronted by the HTML blocking monster I'll try your solution.

The ctrl bit was wrong, I was thinking of something else, however I have already corrected it.

Re: Comments falsely rejected due to alleged "HTML... - Community home (

It won't be mentioned on Vodafone as it's not specific to this website, it's the same everywhere.

how to copy paste without formatting - Google Search