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Forum Posts

Digital Art - My Progress

As a long time contributor to the Vodafone eForum, it’s quite understandable that people will think that Community Champions like myself; eat, sleep and think of nothing else but Phones, phones and more phones…! While it’s true I do love all things T...

inkscape logo.PNG using inkscape_dark.PNG bear.png recorder.png

Free sims for Ukrainians

We have a Ukrainian family living with us and applied for free SIM cards for each of them through the charity RefugEase that is working with Vodafone. Applications were accepted and we were emailed that they could expect their SIMs within two weeks. ...

Router interfeering with website passwords

Hi,In the last couple of months, my household has found that suddenly one or more devices cant login to websites / apps that require passwords ( from work vpn down to windows task bar items ) . This is across multiple ( mostly noticed on pcs )often a...

Kr8 by 2: Seeker
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How do people get into this community?

I have a question, I want to know if people can reach this community from Google or from its main page? My query is because to enter this community, I searched for it from Google but it was very difficult for me to find them, I had to search the hist...

Phone not opening gate

Hiwhen I dial the electric gate from my mobile it goes straight to voicemail instead of ringing and then allowing me to press 1 to open the gate, does anyone have any idea why this has just started to happen? It has a Vodafone sim in the gate on cont...

KHIH by 2: Seeker
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Breach of GDPR

A relative of mine recently received a letter from a debt collection agency with my name and his address on it. The only place in the world that this combinaion exists is with Vodafone. Can you explain how this happened? As far as I can see there are...

Failed Credit Check due to error by Vodaphone

I have failed a credit check due to Vodaphone WRONGLY saying I owe them money.  This is an error which has caused an important transaction to fail and has caused grief and stress...all down to Vodaphone's error.  What can I do to get the error remove...