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BB Upgrade Offers

4: Newbie

Have just received a BB upgrade offer, currently on 200/28 nominal (DL/UL) package with digital phone @ £30 per month, being offered the "500 Mbps" BB package for additional £2 pm or "910 Mbps" BB package for additional £5 pm, both obviously on a 24 month contract.
I appreciate that I would start a new 24 month contract, in my case would be of little significance as only with VF since end of March, just over a month.

However, I'am finding the upgrade packages spec's confusing:
The "500 Mbps" package states "Estimated DL speed 250Mbps DL speed guarantee" & "Up to 500Mbps UL speed" ?
The same applies to the "910 Mbps" package, just upscaled.
I know that DL guaranteed speed is always quoted as much lower than full DL synch speed but why is UL speed listed @ 500/910 Mbps, surely this is the wrong way around or am I missing something ?
Have checked VF's other BB packages listing on their web site and they are what I would consider to be normal with respect to DL/UL speed estimates per package.

Although by existing BB speeds are sufficient to my current needs, at £2/£5 respectively extra per month, not a lot by present day standards, I'am tempted to take up one or other of the offer if I can clarify the package speeds.


Gone suspiciously quiet since placing order on Wednesday night, perhaps it hasn't dawned on VF sales department yet that CityFibre are not active in N.I. 😊
Still, did say up to 7 days for any further information so lots of time yet 🙂

4: Newbie

That seems to be normal for Vodafone, I have not received any further notifications from them since my original order on 6th April. Just one from DPD saying that they have a parcel from Vodafone they are going to deliver to me. My service activation is this coming Wednesday. So unlikely you will hear anything until the actual update go live date.

Have you received an expected date for the upgrade to take place ?

I only migrated my FTTP & digital phone from BT to Vodafone in March, can't criticize the communication at that time, was very prompt and informative, had my migration date the day after order placed.
BB and LL migration took place faultlessly and to schedule, both fully working the same day, original LL number retained.
A good independant indication that the order is being processed is if your existing ISP makes contact advising that someone has placed a cease/migration order on your line, that usually happens within a few days.

My current scenario is a personalised BB speed upgrade I have been offered by VF via e-mail which TBH seems too good to be true, the only way to find out was to process the offer and see what happens, certainly did not wish to try and contact their chat or phone help line which to be kind to VF are "not very good" 🙄

Looks like VF's administration logistics may have somewhat slipped since March 😐

Well, that's the "further contact within 7 days" period expired since I placed my BB upgrade order with no contact from VF by any means 🙄
Nothing on "My Vodafone" web page relating to the upgrade.

If I trigger the URL link on the original e-mail containing the upgrade offer, advised that an order has already been placed so there appears to be something in the system still active somewhere 🤔

Must admit, no real surprise, the offer did seem unrealistic for my circumstances and area.
Just hope they don't somehow mess up my existing provision, my monthly bill is a few days late this month already, hopefull that's just due to the bank holiday on Monday.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @tiffy - my team over on Social Media can take a look at what's happening with the order you've placed. So that we can do this, please send us a message there. Gemma 

@Gemma  Hi, don't do Facebook, X or Instagram I'am afraid, old school!

Ironically, about 30 min's after my last posting received an e-mail from VF, this stated:
" Sorry, we were unable to proceed with your Vodafone BB order, we will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss, alternatively contact (phone number provided) "

I opted to phone the number provided and spoke to a UK based agent.
She couldn't tell me what the issue was with the BB upgrade application and all she could do was re-submit the order, however, as this involved listening to all the T&C's first which I was advised would take 10 to 15 min's I opted not to bother.

What I believe the issue to be in my case regarding the 910 Mbps BB service upgrade is that this I think is provided through CityFibre not Openreach which is not active in my area, Northern Ireland, the agent I spoke to could not confirm or deny this, could only re-submit the order.

Sorry, can't supply an upgrade order number, never received one, only a " VFP " prefix.

Well, I can only assume that "Here's an offer we think you'll love", e-mail received on 30/04/24, applied for on 01/05/24 ref. BB speed upgrade is dead in the water as nothing further heard since 08/05/24.
Yes, I did have the post from Gemma, Community Manager offering help but as I don't do Social Media that would appear to be a non starter.

To be honest and as previously stated, never thought that the 910 Mbps speed upgrade was feasible in my area for reasons already mentioned, however, after receiving a specifically targeted e-mail offering this service can't understand why VF can't/won't explain why beyond stating "there is a problem with your order" 🤔

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@tiffy  You do not need social media. I had an issue dealt with by VF by telephone.

@Cynric  Been down the telephone support route after receiving the "there is a problem with your order" e-mail, used the number supplied.
The agent I spoke to had no idea what the issue with the order was and stated all she could do was re-submit the order and try again.
She then stated that she would have to advise me (again) of all the T&C's which would take 10 to 15 min's before she could re-submit the order, told her (politely) at that stage not to bother, was not willing to sit on the phone at my expense for that period of time 😐

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@tiffy You may have to keep on "banging on the door". In my case I got through to HQ in the end and the quality of assistance improved greatly, but you have to be persistent.