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Help with Router User Adjustments

4: Newbie
I have been unable to get Router working fully in respect of one particular feature. The feature is the regular updating of a wi-fi connected device with external ambient temperature. (It worked with former Plusnet router).
Below is the situation Log after a clean update today (router reset button for 15 secs, etc.)
Can someone walk me through the User Settings to remove the errors highlighted in yellow ?
Hardware Type & Version Vodafone Hub Vox3.0v  First Installed Feb 2023. I have fiddled with it for 10 weeks and no joy. 
syslog rebooted approx 16_24 on April26_2023.jpg

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Midori47 OK here goes ....


The DHCPV6 errors are because Voda doesn't do IPv6, so it's best to turn it off until they do 

The DROP lines are people/machines trying to gain entry to your network.

The weather URL timed-out when I pasted it into the browser. The IP address appears to belong to Google, that may not be important.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Confirmed, no response from the server. To coin a phrase "she's dead Jim" 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Ripshod wrote:

Confirmed, no response from the server. To coin a phrase "she's dead Jim" 

I'm a doctor, not a network technician.

Thanks for comments. I will turn off IPv6. ( I wonder  why the router reset defaults to ON.). The weather service is Accuweather, perhaps a Google data mining service. 


1) Does it all point to VF Router being at fault or my ignorance in router setup,

2) Does the fact that it works on perfect on Three and Plusnet Phone SIMs also point to VF issues and therefore no point in engaging with Honeywell/Resideo ?


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Midori47  I don't know which weather station you are trying to get info for, but this URL (sorry it is HTTP) is an open source list for community weather stations. You just need the station ID, in this example EW6133;

The ID can be found on the page if you click on a town and then the Nearest Weather Stations button.

I looked at and found my nearest weather station ID.  The present setup works on and station ID is 46804 and IP which is hosted by Google.  

You mean I can myself somehow re-program my Evohome or Router to ignore and instead use   If so how to go ahead?  If VF Router will work wiith Windy data then OK by me. This is what Router Log shows at present:- 


01.05.2023  09:29:31   lan  Info  process_request: trans IP GET for 7


01.05.2023  09:29:31    lan         Info              Request (file descriptor 7): GET /WeatherAPIProd/api/weather/forecasts/hourly/15hour?appKey=b9db7a3d469892e8&language=en-us&locationKey=46804_PC HTTP/1.0


01.05.2023  09:29:05    firewall          Warning           [231316.043510] DROP wan in: IN=pppoe-wan OUT= MAC= src= DST=193 xxx xxx xxx LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=244 ID=7771 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=26582 DPT=22 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 MARK=0x8000000


01.05.2023  09:29:01    lan         Info              process_request: trans IP GET for 7


01.05.2023  09:29:01    lan         Info              Request (file descriptor 7): GET /WeatherAPIProd/api/weather/current?appKey=b9db7a3d469892e8&language=en-us&locationKey=46804_PC HTTP/1.0


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Midori47  Not to use Windy for the data, just to get the station ID to then use that ID on the other link I posted. However the Evohome may want the data in a particular format and the link I posted just returns a flat file which you'd have to convert.

My attempts to reach that are not working, it times out. It doesn't even ping!

PS C:\Users\me> ping

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
PS C:\Users\me>

Instead of using dotted numbers isn't there a domain name that should be in the URL, such as


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Midori47  Additional ....

Using this URL

Your API Key is geting this response

    "error": {
        "code": 2008,
        "message": "API key has been disabled."

Apologies if this is the wrong API provider, I don't mean to shock you. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Midori47 Yet more ...

This URL says that the Google Weather API has been disabled for all except Android.

This was how I found  192.1789.188.190