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Smart devices unable to connect to Ultra Hub Wifi (Eufy Doorbell and AudioPro speakers)

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I've recently moved back to Vodafone, and had my FTTP service activated yesterday, with the Ultra Hub and Pro WiFi.

Laptops, phones and tablets are working just fine, but I have a few smart devices that refuse to connect, specifically a Eufy Video doorbell ( and several AudioPro multiroom speakers (

On both of these, you use the manufacturer's mobile app to choose a WiFi network and provide the password, then they should connect, but it just fails every time. They were all working just fine on Tuesday with my BT Hub so it looks very much like a compatibility issue with the Vodafone router.

I have tried using WiFi compatibility mode on the Router but that's made no difference, and have had some incredibly painful chats with the support team who have insisted that WiFi won't work properly in the first 48 hours until the service is fully activated, or that the problem is with all my devices. They also seem to disagree about whether I have the Pro WiFi or not, and suggested that might be stopping things connect. They did offer to send another WiFi booster in case it's a coverage issue, but that's not the case as these are a matter of meters away.

Has anyone seen anything similar with smart devices that refuse to connect, and if so, how did you solve it?

In the event log I can see errors like
"Failed to send to ff02::1%guest@br-guest (Cannot assign requested address)" and "Ignoring MLD pkt on non snooping enabled bridge interface lan"

The tech support team didn't seem even remotely interested in looking at those.

If this can't be fixed I'm going to need to leave Vodafone, as the service is not fit for purpose and I'm not going to abandon £1K's worth of equipment that can't connect, but I don't imagine that's going to be easy.


3: Seeker
3: Seeker

It’s only gone and worked!   
Renamed the guest WiFi to what I plan to use as the main SSID and joined the devices, then flipped the names over and so the main network has the right name and it reconnected just fine. 

<insert huge rant about how a Pro WiFi service shouldn’t require an IT professional with twenty years of experience to figure out a trick like this, or how the online chat support was so infuriating it nearly reduced me to tears>

Hopefully this will save someone else the headache. Thanks to all of you who offered suggestions which helped nudge me towards a solution. 

View solution in original position


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Alex_C The devices on 2.4GHz may not like channels 12 or 13. If you check what the router is currently set to them that may be a solution. There are a number of similar issues on the forum. However, I don't want to suggest things like doing a factory reset etc. until checking the channel number first. 

Whatever happens, keep an eye on your cooling-off date if you are considering leaving.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Alex_C wrote:
On both of these, you use the manufacturer's mobile app to choose a WiFi network and provide the password, then they should connect, but it just fails every time.

Just how do they fail?

Do they "see" the Vodafone SSID O.K.?

Do they say the password is wrong or something else?

Have you tried setting a simpler password?

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I did get to speak to someone in the UK WiFi team by phone but it looks like this may be an insolvable compatibility issue. 

To answer a couple of the suggestions, the 2.4Ghz WiFi is on channel 7 so that’s not it. 
I’ve tried the factory default alphanumeric password as well as the more complex one (that worked just fine with the old router). 

On the doorbell it has an audio prompt as well as the app which announces WiFi connection successful but then doesn’t actually join.

On the speakers, the App just initiates an airplay connection which fails. Tech support said it would be no problem to cancel and put me through to the right team. They spoke to me for a bit, put me on hold for quarter of an hour then cut me off. 

Of course any offers now are far worse than the Black Friday ones that were on when I signed up for Vodafone so I’ll be a couple of hundred quid worse off over the contract :Sad_face:



16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Alex_C Any clues in the logs. Meanwhile try turning off IP6 everywhere in the router settings. VF have begun rolling out IP6 but there have been some teething issues.

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

There are a couple of errors in my first post. 
The only other one I see is “possible DNS-rebind attack detected:”

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Interesting. With IPV6 disabled I could connect a speaker to the guest SSID. 

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Still no luck on the main network though. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Alex_C  Can any of these devices connect with WPS?

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Nope, no WPS option on the doorbell or speakers 😐

Ill give it another try in the morning, but am close to giving up.