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Using your own router

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Is it worth buying a router to replace the vodafone supplied hub with pro fibre plan?

I am just wondering if I would get a better connection, more range and just better internet by buying a better router but I don't know anything about them or how good the vodafone supplied one is.


Would this be worth doing? 


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Ladynat999  That is a subjective question and it all depends on what you use you make of the broadband connection.


Here is a long discussion about using an alternative router;


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Unless you have specific needs, I was under the impression that the Pro plans were supposed to be tailorable to meet everything the average user could ever need - it's why you pay a premium for these plans!

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

All the Pro plan gives you over the standard one is up to three extenders (if required), and the 4g backup.

Oh, and access to the Wi-fi Xperts.🤣

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Not much of a great deal then 🤣

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Absolutely terrible deal, however the PRO plans are no longer available, there is only PRO II as an alternative to standard. That does at least give you a Wi-Fi 6e router.

At least, that is what I understand of the latest offerings.

This is my point - is a 6e router better and do I have to be on the higher plan to make use of this or can I improve the signal from the normal router?

My signal drops intermittently but all I get told is 'your internet is working perfectly'.

Er... I'm telling you it's not. 

Can anyone advise the best broadband deal out there?



Value for money

Customer care




Virgin are the fastest, but I won't go near them as they're shocking. 

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Ladynat999  There are many review sites which will give some measure of comparison; e.g. uswitch, Which?, ispreview, to name three.

6E gives you an additional WiFi band.  That band is slightly higher, so the range is actually slightly reduced, but it's less congested if that's the problem you are facing.  And of course if you want to use 6E you'll need devices compatible with it the mix here is:

2.4GHz WiFi 4 devices: 25

2.4GHz WiFi 5 devices: 2

2.4GHz WiFi 6 devices: 2

5GHz WiFi 4 devices:1 :Sad_face:

5GHz WiFi 5 devices: 6

5GHz WiFi 6 devices: 5  (just over a year ago this was 2 and I was only even aware of 1)

6GHz WiFi 6E devices: 1 (the newest mobile phone)

So as you can see unless I introduced multiple Mesh repeaters, 6e would be pretty much worthless here.

If you have more WiFi 6e devices and are in a heavily WiFi-congested area you'll see very little benefit right now, and it doesn't sound like it'll fix the problems you are facing!