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vodafone pro2 broadband device locking

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Hi all

i have a hugely frustrating issue with the pro-2 broadband.

I have the main router downstairs, booster upstairs. Devices switch quite happily between the two expect for the one i really want it to work properly on..! My home desktop. Home desktop is upstairs yet for some reason always prefers to be connected downstairs to the main router. I get around 30-50mbps this way, and in the broadband app it reports the 'wifi performance' as 'bad'. After around maybe an hours usage or so, struggling with performance etc, i'll then see a remarkable improvement. I then see the desktop has moved to the booster, and i'm then getting upwards of 200mbps.

but, come the next time i go to use it, back to square one and having to put up with the bad performance before it (seemingly grudgingy!) moves over to the booster.

So the question is - is there a way to lock a device to which AP to connect to? I can't see any way to do this, the lack of tuing etc you can do with this kit is shocking compared to the last vodafone router i had. If there isn't, are there any handy hints to force a device over to the alternative AP ?

thanks in advance. 


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

You might want to have a look at this article on Make Use Of:
or If you want a laugh you can try asking MS Copilot.
*I'm not in any way affiliated with Make Use Of, I knew what I was looking for, and this was the best article I could find.

Really appreciate your answer, thank you! I’ll give this a try!