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Default notice on credit report

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Default Notice


Can anyone advise how to deal with a removal of an invalid Default Notice?


On 26 October 2015 Vodaphone registered a Default Notice with Experian and Equifax for a default balance of 28 GBP.  Vodafone have registered a Default Notice against my name even though I have never had an account registered with them in my name. I have been trying to resolve this matter for over 12 months and whilst I have been given reassurances by the Quality Assurance Team that they would resolve this and, even though I have spoken to them on numerous occasions, the Default Notice still remains on my file. After months of calling various departments I finally was put through to Quality Assurance on 23 October 2017 and was promised on several occasions over a 24 hour period that the Notice would be removed. I spent hours on the phone with the Finance Department, Complaints Department and various other departments of Vodafone. I was promised that the Notice would be deleted with immediate effect from my personal credit file. I was reassured that the inaccurate and untrue recording would be deleted from the files of all UK credit reference agencies.  The Default Notice was to be immediately removed as in actual fact I never had an account in my name with Vodafone. I emailed the details to the qualilty assurance vodafone email address.


Today 26 April 2018 I was declined on an application for a mortgage due to my poor credit rating caused by this Default Notice remaining live on my file and having been updated by Vodafone as recently as April 2018.  Almost 3 years after this incorrect entry they are still updating it monthly to advise that the amount remains unpaid. It has ruined my credit rating and has caused us to lose the house we are renting and want to purchase. This is just horrendous and I don’t want anyone else to suffer this horrific nightmare. I just don’t know what I can do to get this Notice removed. I cannot even pay the amount as the account was closed down but this problem remains causing stress, aggravation and significant financial loss. I can only apply for a Bad Credit mortgage now as my credit is so low and the banks are refusing to lend me money. I am disappointed that notwithstanding the repeated reassurances that the attached Default Notice would be removed on admission by Vodafone that it was incorrectly registered against my name it still remains and continues to cause me significant financial loss.


Can anyone help me?



Hi MarkD,


Thank for you for the swift response. If i could give you a little more detail. On Twitter they said they responses i gave to security questions weren't all accurate, despite giving the exact same answers over the phone about an hour before to customer services. Twitter were therefore unable to proceed with this. Also because this account is closed because i paid off the amount in full as soon as possible, the mobile number linked to the account is no longer in use. I know you have just mentioned Twitter again, can you please confirm who i can contact and how i can contact them as i didn't get anywhere with Twitter.

Community Manager
Community Manager

As we take your security very seriously, we wouldn't be able access your account without completing security with you first. So we can take a look into this and take a look at the reason the default notice was added to your account, pop into your local Vodafone store with photographic ID. Our instore team will be able to access your closed account and update the information for you. Once this is up to date, get in touch through our social channels, give us a call on 03333 040 191 or reach out to our Online Chat team and we'll be able to complete security with you and help get everything straightened out 😊 

On 12 May 2016 Vodaphone registered a Default Notice with Experian and Equifax for a default balance of £41.  Vodafone have registered a Default Notice against my name even though I have never owed them anything, i have been to Vodafone shops 30 times or more, called vodafone customer services about 50 times but when they check on their system they say i do not owe them anything and thats why this default can not be removed. 

please please i beg you to remove this from my file cause i am trying to get a mortgage but it keeps declining because of this marker/default.


many thanks


Vajiah Shamshiri

Hi @VajiahShamshiri, we know how important it is to show a true reflection of your history on the credit reports. If you contact our credit file specialists over Facebook or Twitter, they will be happy to take a look at this. You can find how to contact the team here

Dear TJ, 


I’m suffering from exactly same issue, please give some information for me too to get chance go resolve this problem. Thank you indeed

I had an incorrect default notice added into my account. 
Vodafone tried every dirty trick that they could to try and not remove it (claiming phone recording had mysteriously disappeared, denying conversations had taken place) to name a few of their tactics. 
It wasn’t until I went to the online communications ombudsmen and they were taken to task by them that Vodafone finally backed down. 
They were found to be completely in the wrong and ordered to remove the notice within 30 working days…..and unsurprising they left it until day 30!! 

I will NEVER be using Vodafone for anything again. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @makarova! We don't have account access over the forum as it's a public platform, please reach out to our Social Media team here, and they'll be able to review your account in full and speak to our Credit File team on your behalf 🙂

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Good morning,  this sounds very familiar as in my I received a bill for£199 for a Vodafone account in my name even though the company can't tell me who's bank account as benn paying the bill and they sent a phone to an address I didn't live at in 2017 it to months of banging my head against the wall (u've lost count of the number of people who i have spoken to  at Vodafone  call centres in a attempt to  sort this matter out?) for Vodafone to  withdraw the bill, but it still appears on my experion credit report as fraud,  I don't how to sort this out? Regards ian 

Hi @ianbeswick, it sounds like you've tried a lot to get some answers on this. We have a dedicated Credit File Specialist team on Social Media who will be able to take a look at the Vodafone account and any markers applied. All the contact details can be found here, just remember to include your Community username in the message. 

2: Seeker
2: Seeker


I just recently came to know that I have also been defaulted by Vodafone quality assurance department, although I have never used Vodafone for the last 10 years, still while on the phone with a Vodafone customer services I was told that I purchased a contract on 25 June 2019, despite the fact that I was not in the country these days, despite the fact that I have never lost my identity documents, Vodafone is refusing to accept my explanation and want me to pay . I am under huge stress as I can't buy any mortgage or loan product for being accused for something I have never done