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Default notice on credit report

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Default Notice


Can anyone advise how to deal with a removal of an invalid Default Notice?


On 26 October 2015 Vodaphone registered a Default Notice with Experian and Equifax for a default balance of 28 GBP.  Vodafone have registered a Default Notice against my name even though I have never had an account registered with them in my name. I have been trying to resolve this matter for over 12 months and whilst I have been given reassurances by the Quality Assurance Team that they would resolve this and, even though I have spoken to them on numerous occasions, the Default Notice still remains on my file. After months of calling various departments I finally was put through to Quality Assurance on 23 October 2017 and was promised on several occasions over a 24 hour period that the Notice would be removed. I spent hours on the phone with the Finance Department, Complaints Department and various other departments of Vodafone. I was promised that the Notice would be deleted with immediate effect from my personal credit file. I was reassured that the inaccurate and untrue recording would be deleted from the files of all UK credit reference agencies.  The Default Notice was to be immediately removed as in actual fact I never had an account in my name with Vodafone. I emailed the details to the qualilty assurance vodafone email address.


Today 26 April 2018 I was declined on an application for a mortgage due to my poor credit rating caused by this Default Notice remaining live on my file and having been updated by Vodafone as recently as April 2018.  Almost 3 years after this incorrect entry they are still updating it monthly to advise that the amount remains unpaid. It has ruined my credit rating and has caused us to lose the house we are renting and want to purchase. This is just horrendous and I don’t want anyone else to suffer this horrific nightmare. I just don’t know what I can do to get this Notice removed. I cannot even pay the amount as the account was closed down but this problem remains causing stress, aggravation and significant financial loss. I can only apply for a Bad Credit mortgage now as my credit is so low and the banks are refusing to lend me money. I am disappointed that notwithstanding the repeated reassurances that the attached Default Notice would be removed on admission by Vodafone that it was incorrectly registered against my name it still remains and continues to cause me significant financial loss.


Can anyone help me?



No one responds on social media and customer services and customer relations does not care. 


What sort of service is this?

Community Manager
Community Manager

@BV1981 - we don’t want you to feel like we don’t care. Just to keep everything together, I’ve replied to your other post.

I cannot believe that somehow its ok for Vodafone to cause this havoc on people's lives. 

People who work hard and all their lives for the credit rating that they achieve, for Vodafone to then log a single incorrect default and damage all prospects for individuals to gain credit, get mortgages and progress in life. 


Everywhere I am looking online I am seeing endless posts on different forums of people being affected. 

Something needs to be done and this needs to be taken seriously.

This situation is causing a lot of distress which I am sure it does for many others in the same position.

1: Seeker

i have had the same problem with a default notice placed on my credit score from Vodaphone, i have tried everything to get it removed. i dont believe this debt has anything to do with me. can anyone help

Hey @MARK000M,

We'll be able to check out your account and take a look into this for you, please reach out to the Social Media team for further assistance.