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Retrieve disconnected number ??

1: Seeker
Hi. I had a mobile number which I chose to disconnect back in May this year. However on the day it was disconnected I changed my mind and phoned Vodafone to request for a PAC code. However I was informed that it was too late. Since May I have phoned Vodafone quite a few times and requested for this number to be reconnected. However have been told that it is not possible and the number will be recycled. Is there any way in this world that I can get my old number back??
140 REPLIES 140

Hi there,


I am having the exact same issue, feel a bit like I am jumping on the bandwagon here but can anyone from Vodafone help me??

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @neil537


We'd love to help. 


Please get in touch following the instructions that I've sent you on a private message.





I have the same question here: would like to get my disconnected number back. Could Vodafone help me with this? Thanks heaps.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@Goodnews This all depends on how long the number has been disconnected.
We'll certainly see what we can do :Smiling: - Please check your private message inbox for more information on how you can get in touch with our team.

Hi John,

Sorry to jump into other people's thread. 

I also have this problem. I changed my number with a new one but did not realise that one of the services I use online need the old number.

I would be grateful if you could help me on this.

Thank you.


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Thanks for getting in touch with us @nrana and @Koraljones. Like @John said before will depend on how long your old numbers have been disconnnected for - After 90 days these number will have been recylcled.

Please let us know when your numbers were disconnected.

Hi DaneB,

I am quite desperate to get this number back. This was disconnected on 17th December 2017.

The number was 07827[Removed].

Thank you.


Hi DaneB,

I am feeling a little bit positive as you mentioned the cut-off days after its disconnection. As it was disconnected on the 17 Dec - I still have some chance to retrieve it but days are running fast. Could you advise me as to how I go about getting this number back please.

Thank you.


Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

@nrana So we can access your account and investigate further for you, I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch.

Hi TJ,

Thank you for your concern in this process.

I have tried several times but the link comes up with an error page.
