11-03-2021 07:43 AM
A friend bought me a contract, three days later phones4 you went bust. Went downhill from them on.
It’s clear you ( Vodafone Does not care. ) I got very poor & no service. Poor customer support, stuck with a service phone and service I couldn’t use for over a year, got my name sent to bailiffs. Your managers lied, pretended to escalate to senior people, then lines went dead.
Friendship ruined. All as a result of poor service by vodaphone.
How would you feel if someone hits you where it hurts. I’m your pocket, the same way you continue to do to thousands ?. I’m seeking legal guidance, forget the useless of-com you need people on the street to pay attention ?. Very angry. Turning nice people into monsters. Very very angered by loss of friendship.
who should I contact?. Not customer service.
11-03-2021 07:53 AM
Hi @Chings
I appreciate your frustrated and upset and need to vent. I understand.
Can you elaborate a little as to what's gone wrong with your service i.e not being able to use it for a year ?
A debt is only sold to debt collection agencies if it is unpaid by the account holder. Also a 6 year default can be applied in certain circumstances too to a Credit File.
Give the Vodafone Social Media Team's via Contact-us-for-account-specific-queries a try at helping you.
You can raise a complaint and if Vodafone UK can't come to an amicable solution within 8 weeks then you can ask for a Deadlock Letter and bring this to the attention of the Communications Ombudsman.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
11-03-2021 08:32 AM - edited 11-03-2021 08:34 AM
Hi @Chings
Phones 4U have not traded for the last 9 years after they closed business 2012.
Vodafone are not responsible for your loss of friendship, presumably this friend took out a contract and paid for the initial cost but with the contract in your name making you responsible for making sure the monthly payments were kept up to date.
It sounds like you did not make the payments for the contract and the contract went into default making you responsible for the full cost of the contract. When a debt has been sold on to a debt recovery agency it will be out of Vodafone's responsibility and you are going to need to settle direct with them. When the debt has been cleared, this will at show on your credit file as settled.
12-03-2021 11:05 AM
It does sound as though your friend has misled you. You can't "buy" a contract unless you take it out in your name and set up payment details. Quite how you have ended up responsible for the bills isn't obvious, but it sounds as though something very odd has gone on.
At this stage, the Credit File Support team need to get involved as they're the only people who will have the full history. Drop a note to the Social Media team on Facebook or Twitter and they'll be able to get the matter investigated. If something was done without your knowledge, it could be fraud and you may be able to make a case for it not being your responsibility (I can't be definitive without knowing the full facts, but CFS should be able to see that).
14-06-2022 08:42 PM
Vodafone billed me one month over £400 so i rang to say what is happening they said they had made a mistake and sorted it out while i was onthe phone and not to worry. I told her to make sure she had because it would cause all sorts of problems and failed direct debit fines which was £30 each at the time
vodafone told me not to worry it had been sorted as we spoke
the next month i had a call from my bank asking me if i was aware of all my failed direct debits and the charges i was incurring, they said it started when vodafone took £480 out of my account
i called vodafone they said they would only credit my vodafone account with the money they took by mistake and not put it back in my account
because i incurred hundreds of pounds of fines and chrges over the next couple of months vodafone cancelled my contract and took a further £900 out of my account because i couldnt pay my bill( trying to pay off the £480 they took and bank charges and fines) i eventually had to close my bank account to stop getting increasing monthly charges and owed £1400 to the bank which i eventually ended up with a county court judgement for because i couldnt attend the hearing because i was working to explain none of this way my fault, i am still paying it back 20 years later and i still have a long time to go after all court costs and charges added
all because of incompetent money grabbing vodafone who even after been told and recognising they had made a mistake went on to do it and even then refused to refund it to my bank account and would only credit my vodafone account, the charges and fines i incurred was huge i was holding down a 6 day week job and you ruined my life for a very long time the echoes of which are still very much felt as im still paying it off and still have a county court judgement on my record because of you
i know a lot of people including my own family who are paying thousands to debt collectors and will be for decades because of vodafone i do not know how you get away with it
i will be sending a copy of this to Ask Tony in the MoneyMatters column of the DailyMail