21-06-2022 01:06 PM
I have just signed up to a new plan which gives a free entertainment package.
I have received a text with the entertainment link on when I try adding YouTube shows the next page says "oh dear! We'll take you back to the home page" and they only option is a "close" button
I would be grateful if you could solve this problem.
21-06-2022 01:59 PM
I am facing exactly the same issue. Will appreciate some advice,
Looking at the browser logs - this seems to be the error and will probably help :
{"usecaseId":"afa8a319-7560-4202-aab7-98bba7556411","transactionId":"8ea0aa72-aa3c-4eef-9bee-2f79004e12c8","reason":"YOUTUBE_VFG_POLICY_EXCEPTION","reasonCode":"400","description":"Youtube400FamilyExceptionYoutube returned an unexpected PolicyException"}
21-06-2022 02:14 PM
21-06-2022 02:17 PM
@Gemma , Thanks for the reply. Can you please update this post once the issue is fixed?
21-06-2022 03:58 PM
@garichd - you’re welcome and of course. One of us will pop back as soon as we know more 😊
22-06-2022 10:24 PM
23-06-2022 08:33 AM - edited 23-06-2022 10:52 AM
@garichd - we’ve had an update to say it’s still actively being worked on. We’ll be back here when we've anymore news.
24-06-2022 08:47 AM - edited 24-06-2022 01:22 PM
22-06-2022 11:41 AM
On Monday I received a text that my YouTube premium was cancelled but it's not supposed to end till November 2023 as stated on my plan
Hello. Just to confirm, your inclusive YouTube Premium subscription has now ended. If you've signed up to a new plan with entertainment included, we'll send you another text shortly to let you know how to set it up
I've tried to activate it again but it's £11.99 a month I've been on endless webchats but told nothing...I'm paying for a service now I'm not getting
22-06-2022 01:07 PM
Thanks for reaching out to us @Andyparks 👋
Did you upgrade your last contract early? It may be that the 24 month subscription period started earlier and this is why you've received this message - as it could be 24 months from when the new plan/entertainment pack was activated.
So we can check this and help get it set back up for you, come and chat to my team on social media - please remember to include your community username and a link to your post, so you won't need to repeat yourself.