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NUC code Huawei Mate 20 Pro

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I first requested an NUC code from Vodafone on November 17 and have been waiting ever since. I made a second request on November 25 as after a few days I was worried my form hadn't sent properly.


Have spoken to numerous customer service advisers since then who have told me different things - one day it was "you will receive it within 48 hours" then the next day I was told my request hadn't even been escalated to the right people! I keep getting new dates for when I will receive it by, the latest was December 31 (a week ago)!!! I'm so fed up of waiting, it's been nearly two months and I have left Vodafone so I feel like they are just not dealing with my request as I've moved providers.


Has anyone else had this issue?


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hey @katiewilliams94 - I appreciate how important this is to get sorted and your device unlocked. I can assure you that we do want to resolve this for you. I'm sure you already have done this, but please make sure you meet all the criteria for receiving an NUC first.

I would then suggest dropping us a message on social media with the following info so we can escalate this to the NUC team:

- Your mobile/account number

- IMEI of the device

- Make and Model of the device

Hi Evie, 


I already did this in a Twitter message at the beginning of December

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@katiewilliams94 If we're yet to respond to your Tweet could you confirm your Twitter username so I can track down the chat and make sure it gets picked up? 😊

Hi Evie, 


I did receive a response, and was told someone would email me in 24 to 48 hours with more details, i received nothing, i chased again a week or so later and was told the same, still nothing. I check all inboxes including junk mail every day. Not sure more I can do in this case

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

We appreciate all the efforts you've made with, we do want to get this sorted! If you could confirming your Facebook/Twitter handle used to message us then I'll make sure the correct process was followed and chase up if needed @katiewilliams94 



Yes it's @katiejnwilliams



Thanks for that @katiewilliams94, I can see we didn't have an update on this when you last contacted us. As this was a while ago, reply to our last DM and we'll be more than happy to see if there's any further information regarding this for you.