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E-Sim swap issues

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

So had iPhone 11 but was on Sim only. However, the 11 decided to fail and new phone required. Due to reasons various my father pays for the contract. I had had to resort to using a nokia brick for a couple of days so I wasn’t without a phone, I have serious health issues including type 1 diabetes (unstable at that due to other issues) and am meant to wear a sensor to help me control it. Due to my circumstances and my father not being able to be present we had to buy phone outright. 

Today, after a lot of stress, we discovered my sim card in 11 was missing or lost inside phone. Went in vodafone shop and the chap was helpful. Advised about e-sim, my father contacts customer services and it’s sorted. 

However, it appears that my iPhone 11 (which has leaking LCD and only works for 2 mins at a time then switches off/on) has a working e-sim but it won’t let me transfer to the iPhone 15. I am using the 15 with wifi but no mobile service. 

I am left with a huge problem in the sense my father is abroad until 27th now, plus I desperately need a working phone so can get back on sensor (hourly checks manually are rather painful). He was assured the e-sim would be solution but now  does not seem to have been right option. 

i need a working phone as of last weekend. I am potentially facing christmas in hospital if am unable to get sensor sorted. Whilst yes the phone works on wifi, I cannot stay at home 24/7 as have several hospital appts. 

Am guessing I am going to have to wait until he is back to sort this, and hopefully not end up in ICU for christmas, but if anyone can help advise if there is any way I can sort this without his help please I would be eternally grateful. I also do not have ability to have own contract. I am just rather scared and frustrated. Can’t even really set phone up properly either until can have actual service outside of wifi. I also cannot keep using the dinosaur that is a nokia brick as it cannot attach to a sensor. I do not have any other devices like laptop etc.