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Acer (aspire One) - Vodafone Dongle Problem Installing?

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Hi I have purchased an Acer (Aspire One) which runs on Linus/Linux and was advised to purcahse a Vodafone dongle as I am looking for on the road internet..

I have been advised that it is possible to run the two BUT I am having real problems getting the two to even recognise each other.

I have been advised to come to this forum via Vodafone customer services..

Please help as I have take both products back soon and this is my last hope..

Thank you in advance

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Got it..

It says 'FAiled to launch preferred application for caregory "terminalEmulator".
Failed to change directory '/media/MUVO' (no such file or directory).


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Good Evening Jemma,

Some great advice there from Jedi and Woogal, sorry to hear that you're getting an error message.

I have to admit that I'm quite a novice when it comes to Linux so rather then confuse matter and give potentially incorrect advise what I'd like to do is to speak to a colleague who uses Linux and post a solution tomorrow.

Is that ok with you?

If you have any more questions in the mean time please don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks for your patience while I look into this.

eForum team

4: Newbie
Got it..

It says 'FAiled to launch preferred application for caregory "terminalEmulator".
Failed to change directory '/media/MUVO' (no such file or directory).


Hmmmm, not sure why it's doing that. I've just been playing around and I might have found an easier way of running the installer. Try doing this - right click on the file, go to open with, and see if it says 'open with "installpatch"'. If it does then select it and let me know how you get on.

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I am unfortunatley working today, but should be home in time to do this later.. I think I did try this and I get something that opens a new window (as before) then says okokokokok, please restart (from memory); which I did.. should I be putting the code in here?
Thanks for help.

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I - right click on the file, go to open with, and see if it says 'open with "installpatch"' I get the following error:

Failed to open file ""

Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/installpatch"(Permission denied).

Any ideas???

4: Newbie
ok, let's try going back to the original instructions then, but in step 4 replace the first line (cd Downloads) with this instead
cd /media/MUVO

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Ther is 'No such file or directory'

I've tried

cd /media/MUVO ./

how do i get the code on 2 lines or is it in one string as above?


4: Newbie
you need to do them one line at a time, so type cd /media/MUVO then hit return, then do the next line.

Not applicable
I'm still getting the error, no file or directory???

4: Newbie
Is the file still on your pen drive (or what in your case appears to be a muvo that you're using as a pen drive)? The cd command will change directory to where the file is, but if you're getting that error then it means that the folder doesn't exist (I'm guessing at the folder name based on your post from yesterday)