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BB10 and Spotify Premium

1: Seeker

Whether it is part of an all inclusive entertainment pack with your plan, or as an add on, it is said that Spotify Premium can not be had upon Blackberry OS10.


For those of us who have Blackberry phones, for the many other benefits, this may seem like tough luck. However, you are probably aware that you can sownlaod the Spotify App via the Amazon Store. Get the app and set up an account (though you can also do this after selecting the spotify pack). Sign out of your Spotify free account


Follow the vodafone partner offers link

Select Spotify and accept t+c

You will be informed that your device is not supported

Select another phone....Android 4.0+. Then ...

 - Next you will be invited to download the app. Select downlaod manual option, if you do not have the app on your phone already. Open the app and create an account

 - Or close your browser and sign into your spotify account. Voila, you have spotify Premium


Note. The android app for Spotify on BB10 is a little glitchy but works very well, apart from the odd lag when browsing music. Shame Spotify or Blackberry cant produce a native app allowing sharing via BBM etc


Note for Vodafone. Please get with it. BB10 can do most anything Android can do. Please change your advice given on the entertainment pack partners page and stop hating BB10 phone users


Those cant's, don't no Blackberry


Balckerrry Z30, its just not an iToy