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Call Failure on outbound calls and incoming calls ring once and go straight to voicemail

2: Seeker
2: Seeker



For some reason today, I can't make any outbound calls from my iphone (call failure every time) and all incoming calls ring once and then go straight to voicemail.


I've rebooted my phone but still no joy. Any help much appreciated!!

Thanks a lot


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)


Please try the steps in our Network Troubleshooting thread.



If you are still experiencing the issue having completed these steps, post the template with your answers here and I'll have a member of the team get back to you ASAP.


Hi there,


I have the exact same problem.


I went into Norwich city and they restarted the Iphone, and it worked fine, but upon getting home I have the same problem. I restarted the phone and it didn't work again.

I read on a forum online to turn 3g off. That works. I can now make phone calls.

I'm wondering if it's to do with my sure signal box?


Thanks and hope I have helped, even if maybe only temporarily.


I am just outside Canterbury, Kent, and am getting exactly the same problems - cannot dial out, and incoming calls ring once, then voicemail.

I have a sure signal box, I will reboot and report back.

It's something to do with the sure signal I think. When not connected to that, and connected to the local network which is 2.5g, my phone works.
Vodafone are complete rubbish, not only is their network coverage terrible (the number of sure signal boxes is a testament to my assertion), they craftily changed my inclusive minutes from per second billing to per minute billing without notifying me at upgrade.
The thing that saddens me is that they are a British company, yet I would have fared better at the hands of o2 (Spanish owned), T-Mobile (German government owned) or Orange (French government owned).
Oh - and the foreign companies didn't wriggle out of paying £6 billion in tax that they should have paid the UK taxman like Vodafone did.

Hey - Vodafone - how about you put me back to per second billing and reimburse me some of my costs out the money you dodged in tax that you should have rightfully paid.

Oh - and spend some of the billions on your network infrastructure for a change rather than diverting the monies to your customers = no business = no shareholders.

And Vodafone moderators - no my rant is not over.
Just had a look across the forums and loads of people are suddenly reporting a similar fault, yet Andy and Matt keep posting the same first response -
"Please try the steps in our Network Troubleshooting thread."

How about you mods actually start working for your money and realise there are issues?

Hi Gemzlittledevil and markish99


Thank you for your posts and a very warm welcome to the eForum.:smileyhappy:


We have been made aware that a known issue occured yesterday and this has now been resolved, please can you let me know if you are still experiencing difficulties after a factory reset.


Factory Reset

Hold down the reset button until all the lights show (about 30 secs) keeping the reset button held down, remove then reinsert the power lead, once all lights display release the reset button. The Sure signal will come online in around 1 hour.


Many Thanks



eForum Team


2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I have just connected a sure signal and now phone doesn't ring goes ones straight to VM, any ideas

Hi Maddisp,

Please take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread. If this doesn’t resolve your query, please post your reply either below, or in the relevant thread, together with the details requested, including the following information.

Your speed test results from here.

Your ping test results from here.

Your external IP address from here.

The results of a traceroute.


Your Sure Signal serial number:


VSS Traceroute command

On a PC:

Click on Start and select Run

Type CMD into the Run box and press enter/click ok

A black box will appear.

In this box type tracert press Enter

Paste the output of this command into your reply.

This will help us get the quickest possible resolution for you.

