02-07-2017 09:48 PM
Hi all, first post here. Took out a vodafone contract around 2 months ago to be able to get proper, unrestricted 4G in France this summer. Was previously with Three and 3G roaming & throttling was awful, so I switched.
I've arrived in France via Eurotunnel, and a group of 5 of us have driven right down to the south of France. 2 of us are on vodafone, 2 on giffgaff, and 1 on BT mobile. The problem is, the 2 vodafone phones are getting awful speeds, on both 3G and 4G, while all other phones work perfectly.
Friends on giffgaff can easily load pages, maps and Spotify easily, all on 3G. Friend on BT Mobile gets 4G and is getting 40+ Mbps. But myself & the other vodafone phone, have not once seen a speed above 0.2 Mbps.
I have tried SFR, Bouygues and Orange, all are the same. The other phones have tried all networks too, and they all work fine.
Vodafones website literally says "We never throttle abroad, so you'll enjoy full speed roaming". This is clearly not the case? I have a Global Roaming plan, and 20GB of data. Could anybody help me?
As an example, I've just taken my vodafone phone and friends BT phone and put them beside each other. Both are connected to exactly the same Cell ID, and using 2600MHz 4G on Orange F. Speed test on BT gives 45Mbps consistently, and loads everything flawlessly. Speedtest on vodafone, gives 0.15 Mbps, and things like Maps, Facebook etc take a few minutes to load. What is going on? :smileysad: I'm going to have to buy a local SIM at this rate, I'm so disappointed in vodafone.
14-08-2017 12:03 PM
Thank you Jenny for your private message.
I will complete the form now.
14-08-2017 12:50 PM
Hi Jenny
Further to my communication, I confirm to have submitted the form.
14-08-2017 01:45 PM
Hi, the issue seems to be resolved now. I'm consistently getting 90-100mbits. I guess this was a general issue with Vodafone's roaming.
14-08-2017 03:59 PM
I wish you were rigth unfortunately the issue isn't resolved for me. at the time of writting this message I am running on 1Mbps DL. I trust Jenny will be in a position to confirm shortly the result of Vodafone's investigation and the solution to deliver a 4G service.
14-08-2017 08:12 PM
Yep still throttled here to guys
14-08-2017 09:45 PM
Yep, speeds dropped here again since around 8 o'clock this evening. Now i'm barely getting 2mbits when at 7pm i was getting 90.
19-08-2017 07:54 AM
I was disappointed to learn that my data was being throttled whilst in Cyprus. I managed to get around 20 mbps at certain times of the day and was happy but then at certain times would be throttled and be painfully slow. This screenshot was took at 23:00 Cyprus time (so 21:00 in the UK) which I'm thinking would be considered a peak time for Vodafone to slow down roaming traffic.
I was with someone at the time who had a Cytamobile Vodafone sim in their phone (a local sim) and they run the same speed test and their speeds were significantly better.
I have to admit I was disappointed, purely because Vodafone has made a point of saying it doesn't throttle data abroad when clearly there's something going on. When you look at the case of O2, they did the same thing over there, insisted there wasnt an issue, blamed foreign networks and it was only when news organisations got hold of it did they admit they had 'temporary restrictions in place' which I'm guessing is the same as Vodafone. The people doing this need to be open and honest about whats in place and how it's going to affect customers. That'll at least stop people like me (and others on this thread) wondering what on earth is going on when their service isn't working as it should abroad.
15-08-2017 12:42 PM
4g ehh lol
15-08-2017 06:57 PM
Baz, have you tried manually selecting Bouygues? I found that their 4g speeds generally were superior in France, at least in the areas I travelled to.
15-08-2017 09:09 PM
@amh13 wrote:Baz, have you tried manually selecting Bouygues? I found that their 4g speeds generally were superior in France, at least in the areas I travelled to.
Hi amh yes Bouygues and SFR all the same it's When Vodafone route it back in the U.K. There controlling times and speeds to save on costs I suppose since the eu law to roam free... I've got 4 days now of like for like connectiones to the same partner networks with different uk providers and Vodafone are definitely controlling it or they are not paying as much to the Euro partners to give us there full speed that is available and proven..To be quite honest this is tiny to them but massive to us when only in June the same account on the same partner network was fabulous. I highly recommended it frustrated to say the least.. Cheers any way