Hi guys,
dannyx2010, if this is happening on more than one laptop and with different versions of windows then I do suspect that this is a problemk with the actual modem itself, our
Repairs Thread details what happens next.
tedkay, Firstly, a very warm welcome to the eForum

. Sorry to hear you're experiencing problems, I've got a possible solution for you that's well worth trying.
-Firstly, ensure the modem is plugged in and then close any programs
-Go to Start > Control Panel > System
-Click on Device Manager
-Click the + next to Universal Serial Bus Controllers
-If you see a Mass Storage Device or a Composite Device then right click and then uninstall
-Unplug the modem, wait 10 seconds and then re-insert
-If all goes well then the device manager screen should bounce up and down for a minute or so and your drivers will be correctly installed
-Try connecting again
Basically, what happens is that the K3760 modem installs the USB mass storage device and composite device before installing the modem drivers, if it sees a mass storage device in place already then it can cause issues, the process above rectifies this.
Let me know how you get on

eForum Team