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Flashing Red Power Light + Steady Orange System Light - VSS3

4: Newbie

My Sure Signal version 3 plugin model is not working. It shows only the red power light flashing and the orange system light on.


I could not find this type of behavior in the topics, so I decide to open this one.


I have already opened the ports, enabled UPNP, putted IP on DMZ and reset/unplug lots of times, apart wait more than 24hs each try. No success on it.


One particular thing I noticed was: when I have no internet, the box shows flashing power light + steady orange PHONE light only, as soon the internet connection is established the PHONE light goes off and the SYSTEM light comes on, always flashing the red power light.


My internet is Talktalk, the light on router related to the VSS port is on, ethernet lights under VSS are on.


My VSS model looks like this:


flashing power light + steady system light


That's ok and good.  Your domain name will come from a reverse query to a DNS server.  To make the query it will need the IP address of the DNS server and it learns about this from the DHCP session.  According to other sources is coming directly from your modem and so I would conclude that your modem is redirecting your DNS requests ISP DNS server.


What worries me is that your nslookup is not working at all, but the fact that you've on the web means that it should be working.


If you type nslookup in a command promt then what do you get?





Thanks Peter and thanks Mark.




nslookup = request time out - time out was 2 seconds



Until we can get the DNS to work then the VSS will not get the IP addresses to contact the Vodafone servers.  I'm assuming that your internet browser is working when you type as the URL from the same machine as the nslookup test.





Hi Mark_B


How we can get DNS to work? Yes I am browsing normaly from the same testing machine.


I can't even ping on VSS, is it normal?


Whats about the vodafone guys? Are they ignoring me?:smileyfrustrated:

13: Advanced Member

krt_uk - Don't worry, they will get to you (and response times from them are much better than they were a couple of months ago when they were snowed under with other issues).




If you're browsing normally then DNS is working.  I have previously experienced slow internet connections delaying DNS responses.  You can test this by setting a longer timeout (say 30 seconds) in nslookup and re-running the test, this does not change your PC setting, just the nslookup test.  Try the following in a command prompt:



set timeout=30


It will then wait for 30 seconds before giving up.


Looking at the network trace of the VSS it waits exactly 5 seconds to get a DNS response before trying again so you could also try the above but use set timeout=5 and then the test will be equal to the VSS behaviour.


You cannot ping a VSS version 3 until it has connected to Vodafone, I don't know about other versions.  I don't know why it is implemented in this way but it is.  It does not mean that DHCP an the likes has failed to work.


A slow network connection will stop something like the VSS from working as it will stream the call and will have a latency and jitter tolerance to make the end-to-end voice quality of service acceptable.  Most people can withstand 250ms latency before they have to start using formal procedures (over over type that the military use).  250ms is the delay that you hear when people use Geostationary Satellite links to commuincate.  A slow link will also increase jitter (delay variation between IP packets) and this will be experienced as additional delay because the VSS will have to buffer the traffic to prevent breaks in the service, just like you see You Tube buffering before it starts to play the video.


I don't know how far through the negotiation your VSS is getting.  To work this out we will have to sniff the network traffic between the VSS and your router.  The software most people use to do this is wireshark, which is completely free.  However, to get access to the link between the VSS and the router you will need either an old style ethernet hub (1990's tech) or a managed ethernet switch (expensive) to mirror the port.  I managed to find an old style ethernet hub, these work because they broadcast all traffic on all ports so you can see everthing going on with your PC running wireshark.





Request timeout - timeout was 30 seconds




How can I carry out the speed test that you have done at your first post?



I wasn't asking you to repeat my first test.  You stated that Suresignal required at least 0.3 Mbps upload speed to function.  While my first test was lower than this,  my next 4 tests, over last night and this morning, showed upload speeds of 0.3-0.31 Mbps which meets your minimum requirements yet my Suresignal still does not work.  I also stated that my previous Suresignal worked with exactly the same set up as I have now.  Does this not imply that Vodafone needs to try something at their end to fix my problem?


Errrr????  very strange.


If you run the following in a command prompt


ipconfig -all


look at the DNS entry(s), is this where it says, is it blank or is it an IP address, if so what address?



What happens if you run the following in a command prompt?





It should be the same answer as the DNS entry in the ipconfig -all command?  


I think the TT DNS server is so next try





Do you now get a response?


If you log in to your router, is it set to get DNS server from internet service provider, does it report what it is?


You coudl also try OpenDNS servers at or


FYI you can exit the nslookup program with the command exit



13: Advanced Member

Hi krt_uk,


The "Request timed out" is normal - once you hit the boundary of Vodafone's site, further ICMP requests are blocked.

The Vodafone tech guys want to see the times recorded against each hop.




