30-10-2014 02:05 PM
Good afternoon
My wife has the HTC One X+ and has had for a while.
Just recently though it is getting harder and harder to make a call, at times it takes 5 or 6 attempts to even connect to anyone and then it can drop the call mid conversation. It also keeps showing an error with the SIM.
I have rebooted the phone, also taken the SIM out and made sure no marks on it and turned off, changed the settings etc that is usually suggested.
Any ideas ?
30-10-2014 02:14 PM
Hi Rob
does the same thing happen if you put the sim in a different phone or another sim in that phone?
is it just in one area or at certain times of the day?
There are a number of network checks you can do, just follow the thread here
it could help the eforum guys pin point if it is sim, phone or network related