13-08-2014 11:11 AM
I've had an HTC One X + for 18 months - mostly a good experience. It developed an overheating problem / wouldn't charge problem after a few months which went away with software updates. However this problem has returned in the last few weeks. After 20 mins of screen use (internet browsing, reading, email etc), the upper half of the device becomes uncomfortably hot. So much so it is too warm to have on the ear when talking. The only way to get it to cool down is to turn it off.
The recurrence of this problem has coincided with a drastically shorted battery life. I've seen this issue for the One X - were those resolved and what can I do with this?
thanks in advance
14-08-2014 03:53 PM
Hi eduworlds,
My advice would be to factory reset the HTC One X+.
This will hopefully resolve the issues you're facing. If not, follow the instructions here to arrange a repair.
Matt B
16-08-2014 04:03 PM
Thanks Matt,
Have now done this - first signs are promising.