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I won a bid on ebay but galaxy s6 is on contract phone locked to Vodafone.

4: Newbie

bid for galaxy s6 unwated upgrade. 

he said he won't block the phone.

but if he stop's paying for the contract sim will the phone get blocked?

how will i know if the phone is on insurance ?


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@pb3000 wrote:

@thesoupdragon wrote:

Fantastic Thread... Some really helpful advice from everyone!




I never knew aboutt the 6 month ownership condition. Does that apply to 12 month contracts as well?


Evidently not all Vodafone employees appear to be aware of this either as I remember a sales agent in the past advising me that the phone was "mine" from the start of the contract.



Phi @pb3000


Its a general stipulation in all Vodafones Pay Monthly Contract T&C.

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



@BandOfBrothers wrote:

@pb3000 wrote:

@thesoupdragon wrote:

Fantastic Thread... Some really helpful advice from everyone!




I never knew aboutt the 6 month ownership condition. Does that apply to 12 month contracts as well?


Evidently not all Vodafone employees appear to be aware of this either as I remember a sales agent in the past advising me that the phone was "mine" from the start of the contract.



Phi @pb3000


Its a general stipulation in all Vodafones Pay Monthly Contract T&C.

And so it is. The requirement for 6 months bills to be paid on time before the mobile equipment belongs to the customer is now mentioned in several paragraphs"  in the latest Pay Monthly Airtime Agreement. This agreement came into effect on August 10th 2015.


Note however that the previous Pay Monthly Airtime agreement January 2014 - August 09 2015 does not contain these paragraphs wrt mobile equipment ownership. On the face of it this condition appears to have been introduced with the last T&C change in August 2015.


The current T&Cs definitely did not apply at the time I took out the contract on my S6. I was puzzled at the references to the 6 month ownership clause in the thread  as this appeared to contradict what a sales agent told me in the past (admittedly a couple of years ago).


But T&Cs do change - so let the buyer beware as they say. I'd bet a fair number of people (including Ebay possibly) are unware of this quite fundamental condition. You cannot legally sell your Vodafone contract phone until at least 6 months bills have been paid on time.



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

This is a significant change to the T&Cs but other networks were doing this a long time before Vodafone - EE for instance. I don't especially object to it.


But this in conjunction with phone locking is a bad practice in my opinion. I've never agreed with locking phones - there is no justification for it and it is anti customer. But it's prevalence has increased not decreased.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Regardless of when you took out a contract the T's & C's having been since changed, the new ones should  be applicable as they 'succeed' all previous versions, if they are deemed not to be so then the Company is being predgudised against the customer.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@froggerty wrote:

Regardless of when you took out a contract the T's & C's having been since changed, the new ones should  be applicable as they 'succeed' all previous versions, if they are deemed not to be so then the Company is being predgudised against the customer.

This is very true of course and something we agree to when we start to use our contracts is that the network can change the T&Cs whenever they want to.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Perhaps they can change the terms and conditions at will but they still have to be fair and treat customers all the same which means that new and updated terms and conditions appy to all customers, not just those that have taken out a contract or agreement since the changes were made, it should not be 'one rule for one and another rule for another', not only is it predujice it's also discrimination.

@froggerty wrote:

Perhaps they can change the terms and conditions at will but they still have to be fair and treat customers all the same which means that new and updated terms and conditions appy to all customers, not just those that have taken out a contract or agreement since the changes were made, it should not be 'one rule for one and another rule for another', not only is it predujice it's also discrimination.

I raised the issue of the contract change to make the point that the Ebay seller could well be acting in good faith in the belief that s/he owned the phone if they took out the contract before August 10th 2015.


It is academic in my case as I have owned my S6 and paid the bills on time for over 6 months now. However I'd be very agreived if I took out a contract in good faith under the old T&Cs to later find out that Vodafone had changed their terms and conditions and what was formerly my property is now their property!  I would have thought that Vodafone would be on a rather sticky wicket in court despite their T&C change. Having said that I'm not a lawyer so the reality may be different :smileysad:


However 6 months has almost passed since the T&C change so the chances of this occuring should be minimal.


For info - I've been through my emails and I do not appear to have received any notification of the last T&C change.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

A change in T&Cs does affect everyone and not just new contracts. But clearly a clause that refers to ownership after six months can only refer to new contracts and not those already in progress.


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@umbrokhan wrote:
name:- debr8 
feed back:- 189
Member since: 30-Sep-10 in United Kingdom
he selling other things aswell cheap stuff £1, £20, £50 stuff
the funny thing is only 3 bidded on the phone i was the forth person who bidded and won.


Not all are power sellers products as a business.


Some are everyday people selling things they no longer have a use for. 



Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@umbrokhan wrote:

if he claims on insurance  can Ebay and paypal help me?

i asked him for rreceipt but he don't want to give original receipt.

he said you get Ebay receipt ?


should i ask him for his ID driving licence?


I highly doubt he would provide you with his Driving Licence if one exists and in reality he doesn't have to. That's his personal information. 


I personally wouldn't have an issue providing a photo copy of documentation connected to the phone with my personal details blurred out.


Ask the seller if they could supply this information with their information blurred out although I'm not sure anything exists in ebays T&C stating they have to. 


I've seen quite a few bad outcomes from buying phones from auction sites but to add balance I've also seen people who have had no issues. Not everyone is looking for a shady angle and just want to make some money from an unwanted upgrade or their old phone. 


Go with your gut feeling. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.