15-11-2015 07:22 PM
Hi, used to be with vodafone and signal was poor in my house so had a sure signal, I am no longer on Vodafone by my girlfriend is and she now has no signal in the house, I need to de-register my sure signal so I can add to her account, serial number is 21223119252 I have tried to call but cannot get through as my old number is not reconised.
26-11-2015 11:28 AM
@Scuzzie2k wrote:I did see this post, but I dont understand why, surely you just add the serial number to another customer? what a waste of hardware. Was used about 2 years ago
Because if you don't use it for 12 months or more, the hardware becomes physically suspended. This means you cannot deregister it or register again.
26-11-2015 11:29 AM
26-11-2015 11:30 AM
Will be another customer you will be losing as my partner will be moving to another network soon as she can, as she cannot get signal in our house and cant understand why we have bought one sure signal that we cant use!
26-11-2015 11:36 AM
@Scuzzie2k wrote:...cant understand why we have bought one sure signal that we cant use!
You can't use it because the device has been physically suspended due to lack of use!
I guess that you didn't read through the T&Cs of the device when you got it and registered it originally?
26-11-2015 11:37 AM
My suresignal is still active and it gets used in my office everyday by twenty people. I'm no longer on vodafone mobile but I paid for the sure signal. surely I should have access to its functions. ie change users etc.
26-11-2015 05:51 PM
@crimminsky wrote:surely I should have access to its functions. ie change users etc.
Absolutely - but it is registered against a different account so, in order to control the device and manage it's functionality it has to be registered against an active account. In order to do this, you will need to follow the instructions you were given here.