22-08-2013 04:53 PM
Followed completely inadequate installation instructions/leaflet, and following registration set up Sure Signal.
After some time the unit settled down and power light is lit and constant. The next two lights are lit (white) but the final light has never come on.
Following a 'livechat' with Vodafone they advised that we needed to instruct our ISP to open a few ports for us:
Port 8 (TCP/UDP)
Port 123 (TCP/UDP)
Port 50 (TCP/UDP)
Port 500 (UDP)
Port 4500 (UDP)
They also advised that the internet connection type protocol is PPPOA not PPOE
First of all, none of this is mentioned anywhere in the startup guide, but more importantly our ISP isn't interested in helping us and I haven't a clue where to start. Can anyone help me please?
22-08-2013 05:05 PM - edited 22-08-2013 05:05 PM
The port forwarding (and I will also add enabling VPN Passthrough if it is an option) are settings inside your router.
If you let us know who your ISP is, what modem/router you are using, and if known what type of broadband you are on (ADSL/Fibre/etc)
The community may be able to help talk you through it, or point you to other threads if someone has the same setup and having problems.
For the port forwarding side of things, there is a handy webpage here that explains things well.
23-08-2013 09:25 AM
Our ISP is Highnet (aka Highland Networks).
The modem/router is a Netgear N300 Wireless ADSL2+, DGN2200v3
Finally the broadband type is ADSL.
Many thanks for any assistance you can provide.
24-08-2013 10:48 AM
Hi dougalmacaroon,
Thanks for posting!
The reason the setup guide is so basic is due tot he fact that the Sure Signal is usually just a plug and play start. It's strange though that Highnet aren't even interested in helping you to open up the ports needed.
If you could let me know your Sure Signal serial number, we'll have a look at things this end for you.
Cheers, Ben
26-08-2013 08:16 AM
Thanks Ben
As it happens, we were able to get assistance from a third party to open the ports, although when we got to Port 500, we were advised that this port was already in use. While we've opened the rest of the ports mentioned, the fourth light still isn't on.
The serial number for the sure signal is: 40132207065.
26-08-2013 04:51 PM
Hi dougalmacaroon,
The Sure Signal shows as connecting early this morning, so it appears rto be getting through but not holding the connection.
I've done a resync this end. You'll need to reset the Sure Signal to pick this up:
If that doesn't sort things, can you confirm the following for me to give us a better picture?
- Your speed test results from here.
- Your ping test results from here.
- Your external IP address from here.
The results of a traceroute.
VSS Traceroute command
On a PC:
- Click on Start and select Run
- Type CMD into the Run box and press enter/click ok
- A black box will appear.
- In this box type tracert press Enter
- Paste the output of this command into your reply.