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No 2G toggle still after ios8.1 upgrade

4: Newbie



Following the recent ios 8.1 upgrade the toggle to disable 3g/ enable 2g or edge should be visable, but it is not.

I had this option on my iphone 5 using the same vodafone simcard so maybe its not a vodafone issue but an apple issue. 


I spoke with Apple and they are saying to speak to my carrier.


Any help please?


Its really useful to disable 3G when in a poor network coverage area.


Thanks! :Smiling:

126 REPLIES 126

Will check out the jailbreak options. I did mine a couple of weeks back and no problems what so ever. Any one considering jailbreaking do it now as 8.1.1 will kill the jailbreak once released.

kids, can you provide a URL to some more info regarding 


  • people using jailbroken (not to be advised) phones have been able to get back the toggle by changing the carrier settings and still retain the latest ios

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This comment was posted on the official App,e forum today:
"recently used my Iphone 6 plus in turkey on a turkish sim and the toggle option was available. In the UK on Vodafone and o2 this toggle wasnt so it must be carrier related not down to apple as i previously thought"

Additionally this morning I spoke to a colleague in Thailand who is using ios8.1. And with both AIS and DTAC (Thai networks) the 2G toggle is there on an iPhone 5s

Hey James, please post some instructions.

Warning, please backup your phone fully before attempting to jailbreak just in case it doesn't work.


If you want to try it, download the Pangu jailbreak and then install iFile. iFile is $4 USD if you want the search function,


Open iFile and search for vodafone_uk you should then see a file listed which is in the CarrierBundles folder. Select carrier.plist and open with 'Property List Viewer'. Select the line about 4 lines down and change the 4G to 3G. Save it and reboot your phone.


Doing this WILL remove the 4G toggle, you'll then only be able to toggle between 3G/2G. It doesn't matter for me as I'm not on a 4G plan.


Obviously this would be so much simpler if Vodafone would just push a new carrier update and allow us to choose between 2G/3G/4G. This is NOT an Apple issue.


This is what it should look like in our phone settings since the 8.1 update IF Vodafone would allow us.



Just tried what James suggested on my iphone 6 (contract plan with 4G) and it didn't work. I had the 3G toggle and LTE but 3G did not even work (couldn't use internet) and disabling it made no difference to signal. I remember on my old iphone 5 when I switched to 2G the bars would drop for a second or 2, this didn't happen. When I went back into iFile I had the same file the I edited plus another with the same name with a % at the end. That had 4G listed in it so I changed that to 3G as well and then my heart sank as the phone got stuck in a boot loop! After 2 or 3 boot loops the phone came back to life and I deleted the % file and changed the 3G edited file back to 4G and now Im back where I started, GGrr!!! What iPhone do you have James?

4: Newbie
Vodafone ------ Please understand people want the facility for 2G back

Please update the carrier settings and give us the 2G / 3G / 4G toggle

People are jail breaking iPhone's in desperation to get the ability to have a decent 2G signal using 2G toggle switch.

Something desperately needs to be done by a high level tech team

10: Established
10: Established
I am using an iPhone 6. Maybe it worked for me because I'm on a 3G plan?

Either way this isn't ideal for me either. It's messed up my APN settings and I can't send MMS messages. Also iMessage doesn't seem to use my number since I edited the carrier file.

I've just set it back to default as it's not ideal not being able to use MMS or iMessage with my number.

Vodafone could fix this so easily.

I mentioned in an earlier post that I have an IPhone 5 and have the 2g option on 8.1.  Was wondering if those who don't updated the carrier settings that vodafone sent after the update?  I never do.  If you all did then it might again offer a clue that this ia a vodafone issue not Apple.