24-02-2017 09:15 PM
Just had the power re-connected after an unexpected cut. I have re-set the router and internet is fine. Suresignal has power to it and the output plus also has power, but no lights are on it at all. Mobile now says Vodaphone wi fi calls. I have tried to re-set the suresignal but still no lights.
The suresignal is an Alcatel Lucent, serial number 42144606037.
Any suggestions please?
25-02-2017 06:01 AM
Hello @TSB
Please Note : If the Sure Signal displays ANY signs of internal failure / no lights then unplug it straightaway and contact Vodafone Customer Services.
A Sure Signal has a 24 Month Manufacturing Warranty.
Sure Signal Trouble Shooting thread :
as the information may help to resolve issues. There is an 'Issue Not Listed' option which guides you through how to run a TraceRoute to paste back in your thread for Vodafone Tech to look over.
It may also be worth trying a different power supply with the SureSignal (Version 1 & 2 ), as there have been some reports of replacement power supplies solving the issues. Even if lights / power are showing. They are available on eBay for around £10.
From member cineriv "But firstly, have a look around for a suitable unit with a 12 Volt output @ around 1.5Amp capacity that you could 'borrow' to prove the fault. Suitable units can be found on external hard drives, monitors, printers, routers etc.etc."
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
27-02-2017 09:55 PM
Thanks. unit now working and vodaphone say it was suffering from a power surge. Seems a bit odd to me, but they say not necessary to replace it.
Thanks anyway.
27-02-2017 11:08 AM - edited 27-02-2017 11:38 AM
Regardless of its warranty status and what Vodafone tell you, you are entitled to a new replacement for FREE.
There is a lot more information, especially page 1.
You should IGNORE any suggestion to run troubleshooting tests on this device as you have reported "NO LIGHTS" on the device which is an obvious symptom that it has failed.
The fact there is power on the front socket is a red herring as this is internally wired direct to the socket it is plugged into and not to be taken that the device has power.
Your device needs reporting to Trading Standards and the BBC using details below:
It is important to report all failed SureSignal V3 using the links below to:
BBC's Watchdog:
Trading Standards: Call them on 0345 4 040506
Vodafone CEO: - (Search Vodafone UK)
27-02-2017 09:51 PM
Hi Thanks. The unit has started to work again. I contacted Vodaphine and they said it wasnt a fault and was Ok to use, apparently the unit ws suffering from a power spike and will now be Ok. Not realy a good response I feel, but who knows?
27-02-2017 11:35 PM
It is important to report all failed SureSignal V3 using the links below to:
BBC's Watchdog:
Trading Standards: Call them on 0345 4 040506
Vodafone CEO: - (Search Vodafone UK)
28-02-2017 09:34 AM
Thanks for the advice. Given the advice given by Vodaphone I know where I will be going if the units shows any sign of being faulty.. I find it strange that Vodaphone dont seem to care that the unit has shown a fault,
01-03-2017 02:44 PM
Considering they first were claiming these were failing due to poor mains quality and spikes and that the device contained surge protect (as found in many protected extension sockets) then either the surge protection devices internally are starting to fail or it has had a surge so big it knocked out the CPU.
I am happy to stick a couple of quid to say it will fail in the very near future..
If it does, make sure you pop back here and let us know if I was right or not..
It is important to report all failed SureSignal V3 using the links below to:
BBC's Watchdog:
Trading Standards: Call them on 0345 4 040506
Vodafone CEO: - (Search Vodafone UK)
02-03-2017 02:14 PM
I'm pleased to hear this is working for you now. Thanks for updating the thread.
If you do have any more issues with your Sure Signal just pop us another post, we'd love to help.
02-03-2017 02:42 PM
"we'd love to help"
It is important to report all failed SureSignal V3 using the links below to:
BBC's Watchdog:
Trading Standards: Call them on 0345 4 040506
Vodafone CEO: - (Search Vodafone UK)