24-09-2014 03:54 PM
24-09-2014 07:25 PM
24-09-2014 11:04 PM
25-09-2014 09:09 AM
Im in the same boat myself I have also tried to activiate the sim via the website and still have no working iphone6, always just shows no service.
I contacted online support and they could not help, and said i needed to go back to carphone warehouse which i will be doing today.
ohh the fun 🙂
25-09-2014 03:44 PM
Hi Geojai & dhallam56,
I'm sorry to hear this still isn't active.
Live help can look into this for you. You can also contact us on 03333 040191.
26-09-2014 11:09 AM
26-09-2014 11:28 AM
I had the same but the guy at CW phoned a few people and the phone got connected stright away. I would go back to CW and get them to sort as Vodafone had no record of me offically Vodafone could not do anything as i have no account number. The pac code will keep failing as the new vodafone hanset has to be registered and working before the transfer can begin. This is what the guy at CW did and only took 10 mins as they gan get through to the right people stright away.
26-09-2014 11:35 AM