25-10-2016 08:09 PM
We're looking to move our business contract away from Vodafone shortly, we have OneNet Express with a virtual landline number which we originally ported from BT.
I'm trying to find out the procedure to port this number back as this is our main business number which i don't want to lose. I've tried speaking with customer services a few times but they can't really give me any answers, just head scratching and guesses.. please could we get a definate answer on this? Thanks
31-07-2017 05:24 PM
I have a dedicated One Net team???? It's the first I've heard of it after four years of struggling with this appalling service. How do I contact them?
31-07-2017 09:12 PM
In theory you should be able to contact them on 191, however in my experience 90% of the time the call won't be routed to this department, just to standard customer services, and if it does you'll usually get a message saying your prime contact is not available.
01-08-2017 08:20 PM
can honestly say that I've only ever managed to get through to "normal" customer services even though I'm supposed to go through to business customer services and they are quite frankly worse than useless in my experience. I don't think I can take much more!
03-08-2017 03:20 PM
@morethanenough - I’m sorry to hear the issues you have getting through to the One Net team.
So we can speak to them on your behalf and then transfer your call, please send us your details by following the instructions in this private message.
24-01-2018 12:03 PM
Hi All,
So I have been progressing this with Vodafone and potential gaining providers for some time now, and have become a bit of an overnight techy in the process.
The Vodafone virtual landlines are on an IPX exchange (soemtimes called gamma) and most other operators, EE, BT etc require the numbers to have been on a geographical network.
So whilst vodafone say they will suipport transfer and porting of your number, the current T&Cs (see link above, 2016) say that this is only to a IPX network.
So a gaining provider can't help you, and it is a gaining provider led process - which means that Vodafone in effect get to keep you business unless you want to lose your current Geographical number, and all the goodwill and business that goes with it!
I feel that there should be a clearer picture for lay-customers to understand what the various technologies are and what can be transfered to what - there are VOIP offereings, IPX offerings and other services based on standard exchanges - but none of the providers seem to explain very clearly which network they use and what can and cannot be ported in and out.