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Poor Mobile Broadband Performace

4: Newbie

my Mobile Broadband has fallen of a cliff in speed terms lately. any ideas?

i find it very hard to connect, 30 minutes this morning after continuously trying and swapping USB ports. once i am connected as i finally am now, its very intermittent, and disconnects easily. It also is very slow with just now a speed of 115Kbps recorded...

any ideas? firmware updates? location issues ? i'm using the E272 on a mac. i have had it for over 12 months so i dont know if it could be a hardware issue? can i check out anything on it with regard to performance?

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hey mumbles27,

Sorry to hear about your connection speeds here, not ideal at all!!

I've checked your postcode in your profile and there are no outstanding issues with any sites within that area. I see you've posted that you're in central London? Care to give us the postcode so we can check more locally for you?

If you could get back to me with this added info, we'll be able to carry out further checks and get this resolved as soon as possible.


eForum Team

4: Newbie
nw1 3at

its getting worse. in the last few weeks i have found it hard to connect and stay connected..

any hardware problems and issues i can check? firmware? hardware performance? i'm on a mac by the way...

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)
Hi mumbles27

I'm sorry this is still affecting you.

I've just checked that postcode and all of the sites are functioning normally.

Does this happen everywhere you use the modem?
Is the service any better outdoors?
If you use the modem with a different laptop/mac is the service the same?
Are you using the latest version of the VMC software? If not you can download the latest VMC software for mac users here.

I'm sure we can get to the bottom of this for you. You can also get loads of advice in our Modem Troublshooting section in the Help Centre.


eForum Team

1: Seeker
? i'm using the E272 on a mac. i have had it for over 12 months so i dont know if it could be a hardware issue? can i check out anything on it with regard to performance?

My postcode is MK7 7SU and as of Friday 5/6/09 I have also had this affect my connection, I am currently struggling on here with a 53.6kbps connection. I was advised to switch from '3G Prefered' to '3G only', and only by doing this have i now got any connection at all. I have taken the laptop and modem to another location and obtained full service at the usual 3.6Mbps so I am convinced there is something about my locally available service. I was getting a pair of flashing green LEDs and the message that 'a connection to the remote computer could not be established', then on the '3G only' option i get a solid green LED - previously on full 3G I would get a static blue LED.

I would very much appreciate someone here giving me further advice or help, as it is costing me a fortune to keep calling the helpdesk (I only have a mobile and no land line) and invariably I just keep being given the same checklist of things to work through.

Thanks for reading, hopefully with your help i might be able to resume normal service :)

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi carterch,

A green light indicates that you're actually connecting to 2G and not 3G, despite setting the software to 3G-Only! :wacko: That explains the slow speeds. I think it's also obvious that there's a 3G issue in your area at the moment, which we will want to raise with our engineers.

So that we can do this, we'll need to take some more details from you. An email is on its way to you now :)


eForum Team

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I am at work right now with my laptop and VF dongle. I have a GPRS signal on the dongle but my Bold 9000 next to my laptop has a 3G signal. :wacko:

Oh well, I'm not bothered, I guess the two things read the signals differently?

1: Seeker
Hi carterch,

A green light indicates that you're actually connecting to 2G and not 3G, despite setting the software to 3G-Only! :wacko: That explains the slow speeds. I think it's also obvious that there's a 3G issue in your area at the moment, which we will want to raise with our engineers.

So that we can do this, we'll need to take some more details from you. An email is on its way to you now :)


eForum Team

Email received and replied to this morning - thank you :)

4: Newbie
updated VMC and will see how we go....

Not applicable
I too have experienced a drop off in signal/reception, both at home and work. KT6 4QU and W2 1NW. Have not seen a blue light on the modem in over a week!