09-07-2017 04:15 PM
Hello Jenny
Thanks for the reply.
One final question before I make up my mind on supplier.
Currently, my Dad pays Talk Mobile 4p for all texts, 10p for all calls up to 1hour long using the Vodafone network.
Assuming a 'no contract' PAYG for my Dad and as a simple comparison:
Many thanks
06-07-2017 08:38 PM
Hello Annie...
Good of you to look into this for me.
I'm a little cofused though about those Freebies and the initial top-up my Dad will want.
If as you say the 3-in-1 Sim already comes set up as a 'Big Value Bundle', then why isn't this made clear at the Sim ordering stage? Must the Sim be used only for a BVB?
That would appear to 'force' Dad into something he won't in the first instance want.
Because all this is meant to surprise him, I'd intended making the choice: 'Free: I'll top up later' as in Nabs original link.
Then when the Sim arrived all Dad would have to do is:
a) be surprised by a spanking new smartphone and Sim then:
b) contact Vodafone to register
c) ask to top up with say, £10 initially then top up as an when as he does now with his Talk Mobile phone
By the way, no mention of your suggested £5 top-up choice within the Freebies section.
Again, he'll not want to saddle himself with any obligation to top up every month as these 'Freebies' seem to suggest you have to do, even with this 'Rollover' promise.
You say: 'To avoid inadvertently buying a BVB at the outset, I'd suggest topping up by only £5....'
How do you 'avoid' that if the Sim is already set up for BVB? Confusing...
I repeat, he'll just want to get used to the new phone gradually ie making/receiving calls & texts before getting any more 'elaborate'
All this seems an unnecessarily long-winded way for Vodafone to attract new custom!
Mind you, the website is just as long-winded and annoying to navigate, in my opinion.
'Help' it seems is just another 4-letter word to accompany the others as you're led on a merry dance.
There's no merit for any retailer in confusing new or old customers. Period.
Keep it simple, Stupid should be the guiding advice to Vodafone and others I could mention!
At anyrate, maybe I'm missing something here, Annie, but thanks for your input.
If you or anyone else (maybe from Vodafone if they ever bother to read what the Community is questioning) has any further clarification, it would be welcome.
Many thanks
07-07-2017 09:44 AM
Thanks for your suggestion for our SIM video @kwil – I’ve fed this back for you :smileyhappy:
How your father uses his phone will depend on which option (a Big Value Bundle or Freebie) he’d prefer.
You can find more information on the benefits of our Big Value Bundles and Freebies, and what each one offers through the helpful link provided by @Annie_N previously.
The SIM will be ready for a Big Value Bundle or a Freebie when topping up.
Please let us know if you have any further queries :smileyhappy:
07-07-2017 04:22 PM
Hello Natasha
Thank you for your reply.
At least we now know the SIM covers BVB and Freebie, though why again this is not stated at the ordering stage is a missed opportunity for clarification.
To re-iterate:
In the first instance, my Dad will just want to make calls and texts till he gets used to the new phone..
After registering with Vodafone and topping up initailly with, say, £5 or £10, then when that amount is close to 'drying up', he would simply want to phone '2345' and repeat the above. With me so far?
The Freebies seem to imply a 'rolling contract' after 30 days and that is exactly what he WON'T want - at least not at the start.
So, can you explain to me in words of one syllable what he has to do to get to his 'newbie' stage?
If you can't offer this, then clearly there's no point in continuing to bother becoming a Vodafone customer.
Over to you and once more thanks for your time
07-07-2017 02:08 PM
The real problem is that Vodafone actually offers a very good range of options for PAYG customers, and there is a great deal of flexibility, but it does make it very difficult to describe succinctly. Once you have your head around it, it all makes perfect sense, but it still isn’t easy to explain. My fellow-CCs seem inclined to the view that I’m a practitioner of some obscure black art, but that really isn’t the case – truly!
All the networks seem to have similar difficulties in describing the detail of their PAYG offerings, and I suspect it’s a case of “It would be better not to be starting from here”. When I first had a mobile phone, the question was simple – can I manage with 30 minutes a month, or do I need to go for 60 minutes? There may have been some texts involved, but I knew no-one who was likely to send or receive texts, so it wasn’t an issue for me. As the technology became better established, prices fell, and the number of minutes increased, but the real game-changer was data, which started off at a few MB a month, and has now grown to, what, 50GB a month on some contracts. But everyone has their own requirement for balance of minutes, texts and data. This makes for a wide range of Pay Monthly contracts, but at least they are generally settled for 24 months at a time. On PAYG, there are fewer options, but you can throw the whole lot up in the air every month or twoo (I do so regularly), and that’s why it’s hard to describe.
Well, that’s the theoretical/historical aspect covered, now to the detail!
I’m glad to see from @Tash’s post that the free SIMs arrive “package neutral” – I’ve also been informed of the same, but it is entirely clear to me that the four top-up options shown on the free SIM page are in order to buy one of the four Big Value Bundles. They are the products described, and it is only the BVBs to which the data rollover applies.
However, it seems that taking the “top-up later” option will give you a neutral PAYG SIM. The difference between the BVB and a Freebie is that the BVB is a package/bundle, where your £10/15/20/30 is used to buy a bundle of minutes, texts and data that lasts for 30 days; at the end of the 30 days, you have neither the £10/15/20/30 nor the allowances, and you have to buy the next one. The Freebies are different, in that your top-up is added to your balance, but provided you have topped up by £10 or more at one go, you also get an additional mini-bundle of one of mins, international mins, texts or data which you can use for 30 days, at the end of which the additional allowance disappears, but your top-up, less any services you have used outside your allowance, remains in your balance.
There is one critical difference, and I don’t understand from Natasha’s description how this is intended to work. If you add say £20 to a neutral SIM, you can then spend £10/15/20 of it to buy a BVB. But, if you want a Freebie, you need to opt in to that particular Freebie, and wait for the opt-in to take effect, and then top up with a sufficient amount to trigger the required “band” of the Freebie you want. If you top up then opt in, you will have to top up again at some point, in order to trigger the Freebie.
Hence my £5 suggestion. This is the minimum top-up, and can’t possibly trigger a BVB or Freebie. Then make sure that you’ve opted in to the Freebie which seems most advantageous (possibly Freebie Minutes?), give it time to “take”, then top up by £10 to get 150 mins, or £20 to get 500 mins, which remain available only for the next 30 days. See the questions on for details and opt-in instructions for the Freebies. After that, you eat through your balance, or you top up again to get another free allowance on top of your top-up.
One final thing to be careful of – the daily data fee is £2 if you don’t have a data allowance, so turning on mobile data pretty soon gets expensive. My regular pattern is to have a Freebie Data, and take my mins and texts out of my balance; but, when my balance had grown too big, I run in basic PAYG mode until I’ve run it down enough, then resume the Freebies!
I think tbh I’d recommend you consider setting up the phone, and getting the SIM working, before handing it over – I still have a very clear memory of the level of confusion I experienced for the first few days with my first smartphone, but largely because I needed to turn so much off in order for it to function like the mobile phones I had had previously. Once I had gained control, I gradually turned stuff on, and got the hang of it all!
I hope this “stream of consciousness” helps!
07-07-2017 05:08 PM
Hello again Annie
Thanks for once again employing your 'black artistry' to explain things .:smileyhappy:
It really shouldn't be this idiotically confusing, should it? In my case here's what would be helpful:
Step 1: are you a New Customer - Yes/No
Step 2: If Yes, then Sign Up here (link attached).
Step 3: Do you want:
Click on choice as required
Choose to Top Up now or when you phone to register on receiving your Vodafone Sim card
Step 4: How many 3-in1 Sims do you want to order?. Make your choice below
Step 5: Please register you phone FREE on the number below
Step 6: Welcome to Vodafone. We hope you'll enjoy using our service...
If in future you wish to discuss or change any of our offers please ring the number shown below which is free to dial from your phone.
Now, is that not at least a 'reasonble template' which would make it easy for any new customer?
Why would any businesss not want to make it simple to become one of their customers?
I've replied to Natasha above, Annie and depending on answer will choose whether to steer Dad to another supplier or not.
Much as I like James Joyce, life's too short for 'stream of consciousness' in business and your good self and others should not be placed in a position of having to explain Vodafone's shortcomings.
We are all consumers and if the only way to wake businesses up is to vote with our commercial feet, then let's do it EN MASSE!
Nevertheless, Annie allow me to thank you again for trying to help me in this matter.
Warmest regards
08-07-2017 03:28 PM - edited 08-07-2017 03:29 PM
@kwil - If your dad's received a free Pay as you go SIM online, he'll just need to call 17298 to activate it.
Once that’s done, he’ll need to top up with the desired amount.
He can then just use the credit he’s applied, rather than purchasing a Big Value Bundle.
You can find all Pay as you go charges online.
10-07-2017 07:35 PM
Hi @kwil, please find all our latest Pay as you go charges for calls per minute and text messages.