27-09-2017 12:35 PM
Hey I just happened to phone to make an application for a New Address (I have several apartments)
We started with an apartment opposite ours got charged £30.00 for the 75 mb prog
Now its £24.00 ! I wanted to book the new one for the 2nd apartment. However I feel ripped off as the first bill just arrived at £30.00. Caitlin on the phone told me there was nothing she could do and she asked the Manager who flatly just said no.
Now if it was halfway or 3/4 through the deal I would accept it . But literally you guys switched deals and are not prepared to give us any of the reduction benefit. Tell me why I should sign up for a second and 3rd contract if you are dishonourable
29-09-2017 04:10 PM
@Lotsachutzpah As we'll need to access your account to assist you further with this, please contact using the link in the private message I've sent.