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S7 edge screen on time

13: Advanced Member

Hi  everyone

can people who get a moment post there screen on time of Samsung s7 edge.

I know every single device is different due to

apps. How many and how frequent they are used 

If you have smart stay on or off 

There are probably 100's of different permutations of each device but it would still give some usefull data 

If I use my device from a full charge and get down to about 20% I can get approx 10 hours screen on time 

But obviously if I use it for an hour here or there like I think most of us do then it is a lot less,due to other apps and processes that use power inbetween 

I'm just trying to get the best out of my battery like having the brightness at his lowest setting possible.

As we can not just pop in a new battery we need to make sure we manage the amount of times we charge our phones 

As for people on contract need it to last a minimum of 2 years 



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Yes it could be beneficial to have a Samsung Experience Store or Samsung Service Centre location run a diagnostic. 


My phone was an unbranded Samsung Galaxy s7 edge bought from Samsung so no bloatware was on it. 

Who supplied your Samsung ?

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



View solution in original position


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion



I did own the samsung galaxy s7 edge for around 8 months and from my phone set up and usage I typically received around 2-3 days usage. I consider myself to be a power user. 

I can't give you my screen on times because to be honest I didn't pay attention to the SOT stats as reading from many blogs and my own usage those stats are not too helpful because as you say everyone's phone is set up differently, with different apps accessing the phones resources differently etc etc. 

I did find that using a Dark Theme also helps. 

Having email set to fetch instead of push. 

Accessing Facebook via my url box and not the resource hungry Facebook App. 

There are a multitude of preference settings and restrictions a person can apply to their smartphone but the danger is that by throttling and turning off too many features on a smartphone a person could just instead have bought a feature phone. :Winking_smiley:

Samsung improved the doze feature on the s7 models and it's ultra helpful on the s8 I'm using currently. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Wow I have to charge at least once a day 

And I have 6 apps 

Pitchlab Pro

Disconnect me

Visual guitar scales


And my Vodafone app


And I'm not a big user of g mail I'll manual sync on a busy day 3 times so i am either doing something wrong or maybe my device could need a look over just to make sure before my 1 year battery warranty is up .

And I have my brightness as low as I can 60.% max  but that only when I go out side 

And I have Bluetooth on for my gear fit and keep my phone unlocked and you can ignore calls and send quick reply.

If you were getting that much usage and im not even getting half of what you got 

I'm going to get it checked out 

I've read posts were people have nearly filled there phone with pages of apps and games and still get battery life than me.

I read you post about battery saving on the 7 edge but I suppose most of that would be relevant with most smart phones.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Yes it could be beneficial to have a Samsung Experience Store or Samsung Service Centre location run a diagnostic. 


My phone was an unbranded Samsung Galaxy s7 edge bought from Samsung so no bloatware was on it. 

Who supplied your Samsung ?

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



I can't remember the reasons but I got into my head even though I have no use for the 5 micro soft apps as well as others that are pre installed and can not be deleted 

I thought I would activate them but then I found out you have to pay to get the best full features 

Now having bloatware on your device is what we accept getting a contract phone and put up with it 

But now having to pay to use the bloatware on top of all the resources is in my opinion out of order and I also think you should be made aware 

If you go through the pjay store you get told  about in app purchased 

But if they are already on your device they you won't know and I think it's wrong and to be honest Ive not read many good reviews about any of them 

So now I've got 5 apps minimum that I don't use that are using data and battery life

I did also noticed before I activated the apps they was using data even though it was small it was still being used

Personally I would have the perfect device if I got battery life like most people and no micro soft apps 

I'm quite amazed they would take a low blow being one of the most valuable corps on the planet

No doubt the mighty dollar would of done all the talking 

Regarding the Samsung store as I don't have one near by can use a Samsung authorised dealer to carry not checks and repairs if necessary without voiding warranty