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Signal Issue - Cell Site ID73156 Down

4: Newbie

Further to a question asked under topic, I have now learned from 2nd Line Tech Support that site 73156 (Thurmaston, just north of Leicester) is down because the power has been disconnected by the site landlord - apparently some confusion or dispute over money?

I'm not going to scream and shout just yet about when it will be sorted out because I fully understand that I'm not paying for guaranteed service availability. The only reason for raising this new topic on the subject is that I wonder whether this is a candidate for the current Fault Board trial? I know that the scope of the trial is limited, but it would definitely be useful if this issue and the progression towards resolution could be flagged up in some way. (That said, I did manage to obtain the above info without getting caught up in too much of a telephone relay race, possibly because I know the right questions to ask).

As my usual cell is suffering from a 100% voltage deficiency :lol: I presume that I'm getting my current GPRS connection from elsewhere, and using this particular web site at 2G is rather a painful process. :wacko:

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi SurfSilver,

Thank you for posting, I've just taken a look at site 73156 and can see that it is down but is under investigation with reference 2008366. At the moment, I've not got any more information than that which you've already given above. I will ensure that this is added to the Faults Board the next time it's updated.

eForum Team

4: Newbie
Hi SurfSilver,

Thank you for posting, I've just taken a look at site 73156 and can see that it is down but is under investigation with reference 2008366. At the moment, I've not got any more information than that which you've already given above. I will ensure that this is added to the Faults Board the next time it's updated.

eForum Team

Thanks for responding, I note that it doesn't seem to have made it onto the Faults Board in this morning's batch of updates, but I've just spoken to 2nd Line Tech Support again. They report that there has been some difficulty with contacting the site landlord for purposes of gaining site access for engineers, but they currently hope to have made progress by midweek and to have the cell back online by the weekend.

4: Newbie
Thanks for responding, I note that it doesn't seem to have made it onto the Faults Board in this morning's batch of updates, but I've just spoken to 2nd Line Tech Support again. They report that there has been some difficulty with contacting the site landlord for purposes of gaining site access for engineers, but they currently hope to have made progress by midweek and to have the cell back online by the weekend.

It's now on the Faults Board. Thanks.

4: Newbie
It's now on the Faults Board. Thanks.

I don't have permission to update the faults board, but I've just checked with 2nd Line Tech Support and it's no nearer resolution :( . If there are any of my neighbours out there, be advised that the site landlord seems not to have been paying his electricity bill. Oops.

By the way, if anyone else needs to talk to 2nd Line about this, the fault ref that the Faults Team will understand is 2008366, not the (probably customer-facing) one shown on the Faults Board.

4: Newbie
I don't have permission to update the faults board, but I've just checked with 2nd Line Tech Support and it's no nearer resolution :( . If there are any of my neighbours out there, be advised that the site landlord seems not to have been paying his electricity bill. Oops.

By the way, if anyone else needs to talk to 2nd Line about this, the fault ref that the Faults Team will understand is 2008366, not the (probably customer-facing) one shown on the Faults Board.

Yippee! 3G service resumed. SurfSilver turns three cartwheels and stands on his head in the corner.

2nd Line Tech support do say that site 73156 officially is still under maintenance, so it may not stabilise for a while yet, and I don't think that VMC9.4.3 affords me any way of confirming what cell I'm registered on - but I don't think there is any overlapped 3G coverage in my locality, at least whenever 73156 or its predecessor 1.8 cell have had problems before, I've only been able to get 2G.

P.S. The software on the E172 dongle does allow me to see what cell I'm on, but as far as I know, none of the "full package" versions I've used do this - that's 9.3.3, 9.3.6 and 9.4.3. Why would this be?