Hi all,
I thought I would join the forum, i'm sick of being pushed from department to department on the telephone at Lord knows how much per minute.
A month ago, I purchased a USB Modem dongle, for when I go away on Holiday.
It is on Pay Monthly, and I payed something called a connection charge.
To anybody, you would assume that being as you have paid to be "connected" then your modem would be ready to use as soon as you needed it.
Lucky for me, I have broadband available via landline.
The main reason i purchased the contract was so I could use the internet if I am working away, or when I go on holiday.
However, It's getting close to my holiday time and now I cannot get the thing to work.
Each time i plug it in, the Dashboard appears, and displays "Searching for Network" - in previous experience on other networks, this takes at most 20 seconds.
However, 30 MINUTES later, after searching for a network, i keep receiving the error "SIM NOT ACTIVATED, PLEASE CONTACT VODAFONE"
So I contacted vodafone who supposedly activated the sim, who told me it would be ready in 30 minutes.
30 minutes, not ready, so i call again. It then changes to "Up to 24 hours"
I leave it for 2 days, it is still not activated, and i'm not prepared to pay the phone bill for customer support, when really, they aren't supporting me at all.
I think it is ridiculous, i have had the product, on a contract, for a month. The first bill is due, and i've not been able to use it.
I emailed customer services, who failed to email back, but i did get a text message stating "DEAR MR GREEN, IF YOU HAVE ANY MORE PROBLEMS PLEASE CALL"
But the problem STILL hasn't been fixed.
I demand to know what on earth is going on?!