05-09-2016 10:04 PM
05-09-2016 10:13 PM
Hi @Fuzz123
A similar thread that may hold relevant help.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
05-09-2016 10:20 PM
Hi there
Do you currently have a Spotify account either Premium or non Premium? If you have an existing premium subscription, it needs to expire before you try to activate your Vodafone Spotify subscription.
05-09-2016 10:24 PM
05-09-2016 10:35 PM
You mention signing in via Facebook so I am guessing that is how you created your account. It may be worthwhile setting up a Spotify Account directly with Spotify and not using a log in through a third party.
05-09-2016 10:58 PM
@Fuzz123 wrote:
Read stuff on here about duplicate accounts and being charged want to avoid that really
So what you do is cancel your existing account. Then set up a new one directly with Spotify. Once you have done that, use the link to register for your Premium account. When you click through that link it will upgrade your account to Premium. Basically clicking on that link associates your Spotify account with the Vodafone subscription.
The entire thing about being charged could happen whether or not you set up a new account and is basically caused by Vodafone not setting the Premium account up for a long enough duration.
07-09-2016 10:56 AM