21-09-2016 04:52 PM
Since Pre-Order day, there have been a number of conversations online and over the phone with Voda-staff - some run of the mill and some mildly alarming.
The pre-order thread gives many examples of customer experiences that mirror my own and so I thought it might be useful to list a few suggestions for the L&D team at Voda from a feedback perspective.
1) For all customer-facing staff, encourage a consistent message
2) At no point should Vodafolk insult other Vodafolk
3) Do not use technical jargon with customers: Speak clearly to deliver a message
4) Ensure Vodafolk are familiar with the products offered by the company
5) Be factual - do not elaborate/skew the truth. If in doubt - ask a manager. If there is no answer - be honest and say you don't know
I am sure other users will be able to add to this list and please do. This is not a thread to insult or complain - just to provide feedback.
Hope it helps.
21-09-2016 05:09 PM
Sep 16, 2016 6:44:18 AM EST
23-09-2016 11:01 AM
23-09-2016 02:09 PM - edited 23-09-2016 02:09 PM
Thanks Sarah.
Another couple to add to the list:
6) For LiveChat communications, if a customer is unhappy with the service, consider not using exclamation marks after workds and sentences that imply success and achievement, e.g. "Perfect! That matches our records!" It could come across patronising and further distress a customer. (it is accepted that there will be a language/grammar barrier for contact centres based in different countries)
7) Another LiveChat suggestion - moreso for unhappy customers: Refrain from copying and pasting pre-defined messages that may or may not apply to the query from the customer. The customer will read those messages and rightly or wrongly assume the Vodachat user is not reading or paying attention to them. The process seems counter-intuitive.