20-02-2014 09:46 PM
had the same sure signal box for the past 4 years had no problems with it up until 2 days ago where it got unplugged momentarily, now it's been plugged back in it's started up as usual , all 3 lights are on and steady but NO phone associated with it has detected it so im now getting no service on any mobile. have tried hard reset as suggested on other posts, have de-registered it and re-registered it, none of these actions have made any difference at all and im getting to the end of my teather, myself and 2 others are nearing the end of our vodafone contracts and are contemplating going elsewhere if this carries on.
sure signal serial number: 21197234699
20-02-2014 10:20 PM
To be honest it sounds like the brief unplug has messed something up in transit... maybe it was sending or downloading some config files and is now confused.
Wait for one of the tech team to pick up your serial number tomorrow and they should be able to push a resync for the device and advise if you need to do anything else.
Being happy for years with it and it suddenly packing up (how many phones last 4 years without a problem?) and deciding to leave for something that may be an easy fix is a bit hasty?
If it cant be fixed and the outage has blown it up, then 4 years usage has been pretty good and maybe it's just died due to age.
20-02-2014 10:33 PM
21-02-2014 02:54 PM
Hi KarlWhitwell,
Resetting the Sure Signal box now resynchs it as well.
Follow these steps to refresh things:
If this alone doesn't help, restart the router and Sure Signal together: