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Sure Signal V3 solid red light, slow flashing internet light

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

Hi There,


Have a new sure signal box with serial number 40124141306 (new one with a plug in it). Was ok for a week or so then for no reason will not work. The light sequence is solid red light, then slow flashing white internet light with nothing else displayed. Please can you help me to resolve asap. Test results from troubleshoot guide below:


Ping - 29ms (Jitter 2ms)

Download - 4.2mbps

Upload - 0.67mbps

IP -


Tracert results:




2: Seeker
2: Seeker
I got my work to replace my box and the new one is now working so it looked like a faulty unit. However the other one worked for a week before it died so I will reserve judgement.

For the moment consider it resolved and probably a failty unit.

View solution in original position


In my case I just wasn't patient enough! I just left it and went off to something else and when I came back it was all good.


Thanks, All.

Hi mrsfiregazer,


Thanks for doing that.


If you need anything else, let us know.


Hi guyhemmings,


I sometimes do that too!


I'm glad everything is working for you now.





Hi Ian,

I reregistered the device yesterday afternoon and did a 30 second reset and left overnight. Unfortunately nothing has changed and I still have a solid red light with flashing internet light.

Is there anything else I can try?

I have spoken to someone from customer services today, and have been sent the following email.


"Dear customer Vodafone sure signal device is designed to be plug and play device for most of the internet routers makes and models in market , in some rare cases internet routers block Vodafone sure signal connection due to firewall settings then a manual settings will need to be applied. Kindly contact your Internet Service Provider to apply the below settings on your internet router

1. Vodafone sure signal Service is only guaranteed on a PPPoA internet connection type.

2. Required internet specs of download speed 4.13 Mbps , upload speed 1.5 Mbps , You can test your internet speed and confirm it using

3. Ensure that your Sure Signal device is assigned to an internal permanent static IP address on your router s settings and that IP address should be assigned to Sure Signal device s MAC address the sure signal MAC address is written on the back of the sure signal device

4. The maximum connection MTU size to guarantee the connection is 1500

5. The below is a list of ports required to be forwarded with their proper protocol types 8 TCP UDP 50 TCP UDP 53 TCP UDP 67 UDP 68 UDP 123 UDP 500 UDP 1723 TCP UDP 4500 UDP 33434 - 33445 UDP

6. Finally to allow all ports on the firewall settings on the internet router.

To read more about VSS please visit out Vodafone website , Click HERE Regards, Vodafone Technical Customer Services"


1. My internet connection is PPPoA

2. I have previously posted the speedtest results, and clearly dont have an upload speed of 1.5Mbps, but have been told here my speeds were ok. Would this difference in speed stop the device connecting or merely reduce performance, I am only using 1 phone after all.

3. The device has been allocated a static ip adress and responds to a ping

4. My MTU size is 1458

5. I actuallly purchased the port forward software to setup and test the appropriate ports. These ports check ok to the pc on my network but dont check ok to the VSS3 device, i am assuming that its not in a state that can reply to the port check software.


Does this additional info help at all?

I have same problem as other - V3 and flassing red light and the phone icon steady orange.  Tried to reset the unit with no benefit it always returne to this state.  Tried TR and that just seems to fail somewhere in the BT Network.  Frustrating.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@JIMBUCHANRUACH Please take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread, then post back your results if you’re not directed to an existing thread.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker


after recently purchasing a VSS3 I have the same problem. It did connect to the internet once, but now no connection is possible despite numerious resets.


upload speed 11.90

download speed 0.87

ping 59ms

jitter 5ms


serial number: 40134966155


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    20 ms    19 ms    19 ms
  2    55 ms    48 ms    59 ms
  3    58 ms    49 ms    49 ms []
  4    48 ms    59 ms    52 ms []
  5    51 ms    59 ms    49 ms []
  6    53 ms    54 ms    49 ms []
  7     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  8     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  9  ^C


We have checked with out ISP and all the ports are open as they are on our router.


Any help would be much appreciated.


Hi mrsfiregrazer,


Everything looks fine with the information you've provided.


Please deregister the Sure Signal, leave it for 24 hours, then re-register it.





Hi Ian,

I have deregistered the device and will reregister tomorrow.


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi mrsfiregazer,

Thanks for confirming. 

Please confirm your speedtest results for me, as typically your download speeds should be faster than your upload speeds. I'm not sure if they were the wrong way round when you posted your results.

Trying your Sure Signal on a friend or relatives connection for an hour will also rule out a hardware fault.

