31-07-2014 11:40 AM
Hi there
My Sure Signal has just stopped working. Before this it had worked fine since January. On switching on this morning only the power light came on, nothing else. No change after 2 hours. I have tried the reset sequence (hold reset button, 10 secs, power off, 10 secs, power on, 10 secs, release reset button) but this doesn't appear to breathe life into it. Now all the lights are off. The network connection is working fine through it, but no mobile signal.
I see from Jenny's 'Lights and Sequences' post that neither of my light combinations (just the power light on and all lights off) are in her 'full list of different light sequences' so I'm not sure what to do next!
Model: 9361
Part No: 3JR09113ABBA
I hope someone can help!
11-08-2014 02:00 PM
13-08-2014 11:51 AM
OK guys, my Sure Signal has now been sitting with the power light on and internet light flashing for neary 48 hours after reset. These is still something wrong somewhere.
Here is my tracert:
C:\Users\Rob>tracert Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 7 ms 8 ms 7 ms
2 8 ms 7 ms 9 ms [6]
3 9 ms 11 ms 9 ms [212.43 .163.145]
4 10 ms 11 ms 11 ms [62.253. 174.18]
5 28 ms 27 ms 26 ms []
6 25 ms 26 ms 24 ms
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 * * * Request timed out.
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 * * * Request timed out.
11 * * * Request timed out.
12 * * * Request timed out.
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 * * * Request timed out.
28 * * * Request timed out.
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 * * * Request timed out.
Trace complete. C:\Users\Rob>
What do we do next?
13-08-2014 02:14 PM
If you are using one of the Virgin Super Hubs, can you check the Security -> Firewall -> VPN section to see if IPSec Passthrough is active.
I can't remember if it needs a tick in the box, or a tick removed... either way reverse the current selection, save the config, reboot the router, then the suresignal... See if it kicks into life.
14-08-2014 09:51 AM
Thanks for the suggestion on IPSec Passthrough. I checked the Virginmedia Superhub and in fact it didn't have the firewall enabled as I am using Windows firewall, so the IPSec passthrough box was greyed out. To be sure I enabled the firewall and then checked the IPSec passthrough box, reset the Sure Signal and waited. Unfortunately, 8 hours later still just the power light on and internet one flashing.
I think it is unlikely that it is anything at my end, as nothing has changed and the Sure Signal worked fine for more than 6 months until I started this thread a couple of weeks ago. That's assuming there isn't a fault with my Sure Signal. Can you confirm that you can talk to my unit and there is no hardware or software fault with it?
I really need to get this fixed now as it is affecting my business. Please help me find the solution!
14-08-2014 10:30 AM
Not being VF staff, I don't have much chance of helping other than suggesting random settings to check.
Matt_B should be back to check on this thread, as he said to get back in touch if it didn't re-connect ok, so hopefully he'll be around to help you soon.
The fact that it worked fine for 6 months and with nothing changing it stopped is a bit odd. I can't think VM would have stopped anything at a network level.
Unless they have opted you into the advanced dns helper and that is messing around with things? you can try turning it off here I think.
14-08-2014 10:49 AM
Thanks for taking the trouble to contribute grolschuk, it is much appreciated!
Yes, I will wait for the Vodafone people to help me fix it.
14-08-2014 12:50 PM
Hi RobMorland.
It's worth checking that the following ports are open:
Ports to be opened for forwarding
IP addresses to be allowed on the router & firewall
I can see it's registered successfully, so once the above steps have been followed please perform a reset:
I would also try with a different Ethernet cable.
So we can rule out a fault with the Sure Signal, please try this at a different location such as a friend or family members.
14-08-2014 04:20 PM
Thanks DaveCD.
I think I will need a bit more help with this. I can see a Port Blocking dialogue on the SuperHub where I can 'add a rule'. The information required is Name, Start Port, End Port, Protocol and IP Address, the latter being pre-filled in as 192.168.0.???. There is a Port Blocking Rules list which I presume will be populated as I create the rules. This has check boxes for Enable and Disable
Do I need to create 10 new rules, one for each of the ports you listed? And what information do I put into the fields listed above, including the IP Address one?
For the IP Addresses to be allowed, I can see an IP Filtering dialogue. Is this the right one to use? This has an option to 'Add Filter Range' with IP address from and . Do I need to complete three of these, one for each of the IP addresses you list?
If you can help me to do this correctly I am prepared to invest the time in it, but I'm uncertain that this will fix the problem as nothing has changed at my end and I don't understand why all this additional manual configuration is now needed. I can't believe that every Virginmedia customer is suddenly going to have to do all this. Surely it would be quite beyond many consumers?
I will also try using another internet cable and plugging the Sure Signal in at another location. Does it need any re-configuration for use in another location, or should it just work when plugged in and (presumably) reset?
14-08-2014 06:25 PM
16-08-2014 09:53 PM
OK guys, I think I have eliminated anything to do with my home network or Virginmedia from my fault. I have had my Sure Signal plugged into another broadband connection, which is 200 miles away from my home and is on BT DSL. It has been operating for over 10 hours since being reset. It is still sitting with power light on and intenet light flashing.
If there's nothing wrong at your server then my conclusion is that the Sure Signal unit is dead. Do you agree?