01-10-2014 09:11 AM
I have just sent an e-mail to the CEO of Vodafone, asking him to update his many frustrated customers on the sure signal situation. I have also asked how he intends to compensate us for the loss of service that we have had for the last five days. Please do the same everyone. They need to know how unhappy we are.
01-10-2014 09:33 AM
Hi there
There is a statement from Vodafone here regarding the issue with SureSignal devices. Keep an eye on that thread as it will be updated when more info becomes available.
01-10-2014 09:56 AM
That statement doesn't give any information. It should at least state the symptoms so users know whether they are affected by that problem or another issue. It should also be updated regularly.
01-10-2014 07:00 PM
If I click on the link above, I get an 'Access Denied' message. Probably easier to contact their CEO!
01-10-2014 07:09 PM
OK - does anyone know where the CEO lives? I may pop round for a chat with him. (and make a few calls while I'm in the area - I assume his leafy village isn't one of Vodafone's rural Notspots!)
01-10-2014 08:12 PM
Use this link to contact Vodafone's CEO:
03-10-2014 08:45 AM
I used that link to contact the CEO about Suresignal issues on 29/9/14 and so far all I have had back is this automated reply
"Thank you for your email.
This is an auto response to confirm that your e-mail has been received.
Your query will be dealt with within 24 hours.
Many Thanks,"
I think my query was dealt with using the delete key!
05-10-2014 10:39 AM
My apologies to Vodafone. On Friday I was called by someone in customer complaints who listened to me moan about the lack of feedback from VF when there are problems and how the techteam on here definitely are not 'tech'! I also complained about how VF does not seem to inform customer facing staff about these issues, so they are as much in the dark as their customers. He assured me that this would be fed-back as part of the complaints procedure, then credited my account with £20 compo. Might be a win? Lets see if its any better next time this happens....
06-10-2014 10:27 AM
I contacted the CEO on Wednesday and received the standard automated response. Two days later I sent a reminder that I was still waiting for the promised call and eventually, after a further two days wait, I received a call from Voda on Sunday afternoon.
It was someone from the usual overseas call centre so we struggled a little in understanding each other but his initial tack was simply to assure me that everything was now working. (This was after calling me back on my BT landline as the signal repeatedly dropped out on my mobile - Oh the irony!)
I pointed out that my email to the CEO was to complain about the appalling level of customer service that we had received rather than about the outage itself.
As usual, there was no further information that the person from Vodafone could, or would, give me. He didn't know what had gone wrong with the network, didn't know how it was fixed, didn't know whether it would stay fixed and claimed to be unaware of any complaints about them failing to communicate anything with their customers throughout the outage.
I made it clear that he had not resolved my complaint and we agreed that he would call me again on Wednesday with the information that I was asking for or he would escalate my complaint if he could not give me that information.
It will be interesting to see if I do get a call back and if I am subjected to the same plattitudes - I will post again on Wednesday.