26-07-2012 07:48 PM
I have recently bought a sure signal box and was over the moon that I had full 3G signal in the house as there is no signal otherwise. However, it has had a big effect on my internet speed and is driving me crazy having to wait for pages to upload. As soon as I unplug the sure signal box my Internet connection is back to how it used to be therefore it is clear that the sure signal box is what is causing the problem.
Is there any settings either with my broadband or the sure signal box that I have to change in order for my internet speed to be just as efficient when the sure signal box is plugged in as it is when it is not plugged in. If there are no settings that need to be changed is there any way in which I can fix this problem without having to unplug the sure signal box every time I want to go on the internet?
Many thanks,
27-07-2012 01:18 PM
Hi gypsy chick
Thank you for your post and a very warm welcome to the eForum.:smileyhappy:
I have seen this before and it would appear that your router is placing your Sure Signal as the highest priority, you should be able to change your router configuration so the VSS has a lower priority and should then free up some of the bandwidth.
Unfortunately we're unable to provide help with this and I recommend you contact the router manufacturer for assistance with this configuration.
Is it possible you could all supply us with the following information?
Serial Number
Router manufacturer
Router model
Router firmware version (if you don't know then please contact the router manufacturer for this information)
How many devices are connected to the Sure Signal?
Are the symptoms at all times or can you confirm they occur at certain times of the day?
When did you first notice these symptoms occurring?
Many Thanks
eForum Team
28-07-2012 10:04 AM
I didn't think that the BT HomeHub had any mechanism for prioritising traffic - my BT HH 3 certainly doesn't.
Can you also advise how your PC / laptop is connected to the router - via Ethernet cable or wireless? If wireless, you might try as a first step moving the SS and router further apart to reduce the chance of interference between the radio transmitters in each.
Can you also advise the download speed you are actually getting with and without the SS active?
06-08-2012 12:03 AM
06-08-2012 01:06 PM
FYI this is due to the sure signal box interfering with the WIFI signal being projected, if you have wired connections they will run ok regardless, I moved mine maybe half a metre away and that did the trick as it was originally having 7.5mb connection down to 0.2mb then when I moved it away it was back up to 7.5mb, this only seems to affect some routers with a certain WIFI frequency, mines a Sagem Sky Router.
02-05-2017 08:13 PM
I had this problem. The sure signal was using up 200mb out of 300mb. I got around the problem by connnecting a second router to act as a slave and using this to supply internet to the sure signal. I use tp link routers and you can set the slave to only give out a couple of mbs. of bandwith.