09-02-2016 10:56 PM
I have installed my Suresignal device and registered it online. The first two lights are on as expected but the third light showing a device has connected never comes on and my signal is poor to non-existent.
Have a I missed a step?
When I look at the Sure Signal hostory page it shows two entries, chronologically they are:
1. "You registered your Gateway" - against my mobile number
2. "New members were added to your Gateway. Users invalid" - also against the same mobile number
I tried to add a user against my mobile but it said it was already added. It also lists no users when I go to the Manage Users page.
10-02-2016 06:34 AM
Can you try turning the phones settings to 3G only. Sometimes issues exist as sure signal is 3G.
Please take a look through these Sure Signal Trouble Shooting threads :
as these may help to resolve issues. They have links to the key things you can do to try and self resolve the issue you are experiencing.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.