02-08-2017 03:22 PM
I was seriously on the verge of buying a Sure Signal 3. I tried to do it through my Main Account, but strangely enough, I wasn't able to, due to a flag coming up with "You are trying to purchase a business product" and wouldn't let me go any further. So I rang Vodafone on my landline, at great expense because, guess what, my mobile won't work reliably from home, and got a woffled sort of answer, almost like he was holding a hot potato, and that they would get back to me. (Haven't so far, and not holding my breath.) :manmad:
But, since reading about the built in problem of the SS3, and the terminal attitude of Vodafone, I'm guessing that maybe this wasn't just a technical hiccup with the system. Maybe they have decided to stop selling these units? (Why are they soooo expensive on Amazon?) :mansad:
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to all those who have made it patently obvious that I should stay well away from this product. :manhappy:
I guess I'll go down the path of a Mobile Phone signal booster. It'll be dearer but at least they work!!!
Many Thanks