06-06-2017 11:48 AM
about a month ago my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge had to go in for repair, and the Vodafone Chorley store gave me a loan courtesy phone for the week it took to fix.
Last Friday I received a text from Vodafone saying that I had not returned the phone. This was clearly nonsense, as there was no way they'd have given me my phone back if I didn't return the courtesy one.
I thought I should phone the Chorley branch to clear things up, and dialled the number I found online for the Chorley branch, which was 08701 830 511
This put me through to the standard customer services menu based system, not the Chorley branch as expected. After about half an hour talking to a chap on this number, no resolution was reached and he was going to pass it on to customer relations. He tried, and failed to find a direct number for the Chorley branch as well.
I have just discovered this morning that I am being billed £22.54 for this phone call! A phone call I made to clear something up which hadn't happened, and which was actually nothing to do with me. It's a mistake by the Chorley store not following procedure.
Needless to say, as this was nothing to do with me, I did not need to make this call, and was merely being polite in trying to clear up the error made by Vodafone staff, I feel that I should not be charged for it.
Could a moderator please pass this on to billing for their attention, and ideally have the charge removed from my account.
Screenshot from MyVodafone attached.
07-06-2017 11:53 AM
I've spoken to Vodafone today about this, both in my local store and on the phone. The matter is now resolved and no further action is necessary.
07-06-2017 02:19 PM
@OwenMcShane Thanks very much for letting us know.
I do apologise for the issue you were having regarding the additional charge, however it's great to see this has now been resolved. :smileyhappy: