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Unsolicited pop-up concerning connection

1: Seeker

Hello all!


I use a Vodafone Smart 4 Turbo, and it has, inexplicably, developed a tendency to want to throw a pop-up in my face whenever I unlock it.


It gives me the following information: "Sorry, something's not working. It may be your connection." in a little white box, and... that's it. Just nothing else. I can really provide no answer as to why this is occurring. My only theory is that the internet where I am right now can be a bit touch-and-go, and the set is having trouble connecting anyway.


Unrelated but equally disconcerting: I have used the settings to turn off sounds when I unlock the screen while the phone is not in silent mode (To clarify, this problem obviously doesn't occur in silent mode.)

In a really quite baffling move, the phone has decided that it just doesn't care about what I want; when I unlock the screen, it still makes a ton of noise. Unchecking the unlock sounds button in the settings does nothing.


I wouldn't really mind, but it's one of those things where the phone's just started doing it for no discernible reason, leaving me in doubt about what it's going to do next.


Is the Vodafone Smart 4 Turbo going to gain sentience and vaporize me?




16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I'm all out of ideas here.


I wonder if my fellow Community Champion @thesoupdragon may have some suggestions?  He has a really good technical knowledge and might have ideas of things to try that the rest of us haven't thought of yet.